The Time to buy is NOW!

Well we did it. We replaced the old Pontiac. It was a relic, but man, she was a good ole boat. Did her job day after day, with little cleaning, little love, and lotsa cursing! haha

The new carWe bought a beater 1991 Grand Prix for our first car – I’d been a motorcyclist for 28 years, so it was all quite new in a car. We figured we’d get a beater in case I wrecked it! We’d only anticipated getting three years out of it, but it last seven, so we got our money’s worth out of it.

The new boat is a 2004 Chevy Impala. Much bigger in the interior than the Pontiac, but not much longer, if at all, on the exterior. It is taller, but no wider. Lots of pickup. Power this and that. And a  HUGE  trunk! Wow – we’re going to rent it out for the Olympics!

Kinda fun having a “new” car! Really nice ride. And hey – it’s built in North America!

Now the picture shows the color! LOL – if you can see it under the SNOW we got this morning! DO YOU BELIEVE IT!? SNOW!? AGAIN!?
