Pam's first day post-surgery

I met today with the attending surgeon, and got the straight goods on what took place. Number one is the repair of the tibia. They inserted a plate and screws to hold the bone together. The dislocated knee was put back in the proper place. There was no major damage to the femur. They did repair the PCL (the rear ligament) which was torn. They repaired the meniscus cartilage. There is damage to the MCL but they did not repair it, and it might not need to be repaired, depending on how stable the knee is after the bones heal. The ACL looks good. The doctor had to move some nerves so there is concern about losing mobility in her ankles, but things look fine as of right now.

She is in a fairly large metal knee brace that reaches from about four inches above the ankle reaching basically to the groin. Her leg is wrapped in a tensor bandage under the brace.

They got her out of bed, and she took three small hops using a walker. She was able to sit up in a wheel chair and chat with me today. She looked a bit more alert, and not so drugged up. She now has control over her own pain medication, but the nurses said she is using very little.

They have requested a transfer for her back to Surrey Memorial, which will make it easier for me to get to her. Royal Colombian is close to an hour each way for me, but Surrey Memorial is only ten minutes away. They aren’t sure when that will take place, but it might not occur til late in the night. Last time they transferred her at midnight.

So all in all, she looks better, but still is in a lot of pain. Her leg is swollen quite severely, about twice the size of her other leg. I’m not sure how she will do at home here, but hopefully they will keep for a few more days til the pain subsides somewhat.

On a side note: I’m rather surprised and disappointed that Home Depot has not bothered to even make a phone call to inquire about how she is doing. I’m fairly certain that they don’t often have shoppers removed in an ambulance, and you’d think they’d make an effort to see how she’s doing!


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9 thoughts on “Pam's first day post-surgery”

  1. Thanks ladies, I’ll pass on your good wishes. I tell you, if you wrote this in a movie, it would have to be a comedy, because no one would believe it could really happen! Heck of a year…

  2. Oh my Gosh! poor Pam…. my heart lurched when I heard this dreadful news. Thank for the update Maurice.. please give her my Love and tell her I am sending prayers and lots of positive thoughts for a good recovery. What NExt hey!… you guys have had more than your share of bad news this last year.

  3. The news of Pam’s accident has shocked me. Such a terrible accident on top of all the other things she has to deal with. And you too Maurice, a nasty shock and worry for you too. I’m so very sorry. Wishing Pam all the best for a speedy recovery. Do please give her my love and tell her I’m thinking of her. Thanks Maurice.

  4. I am so shocked and upset to catch up today and see this news. Poor darling Pam. Please give her my love and hope that she is not in too much pain ((((((hugs)))))) I’ll keep checking in here now to see for further updates.
    Jo x

  5. OMG…Maurice I am so sorry! I had lost my bookmarks as my desktop is out for repair.
    Tell Pam hello and that my heart goes out to her….well to you both. 🙁
    Life hasn’t been very good to you…

    Yes…it would seem Home Depot should inquire…

  6. Home Depot will be waiting for you to make the first move.
    I am glad she was up today and there won’t have to be further surgery. She has been through enough! How are you doing?

  7. Yes, I am surprised public relations hasn’t called and also surprised that if the MCL is damaged that they just didn’t go ahead and fix it while they were in there?
    Orthopedics not being my forte I assume smarter people than me know what they are doing……………….:)
    oh, by the way Maurice Peter said he inadvertently addressed the flowers to himself as the recipient at the hosp where she is so it bounced back to him and they have agreed to wait till she is situated in the Surrey hosp to re- send…..Tell Pam we are thinking about her and that mum is aware of goings on and that I read her the blogs…Hi Pam!.

    1. The flowers made it to her! They are really lovely, and she thought they were terrific! Really nice, in a basket, lots of different colors. Daisies, mums, irises, lilies, and more. She says thanks a whole bunch! Made her day!

  8. Maurice

    Have you got a lawer yet….suggest you get one and have the hospitals give you the paperwork on all the the happenings to Pam, and then write up the episode in Home Depot.

    Cheers and good luck to you both.


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