Lotsa beef

Mahogany Bay, Roatan

Sunny Roatan Wednesday was a crazy rainy day. We did some grocery shopping, and checked out a few stores.

We arrived at Mahogany Bay, the new cruise ship terminal. There are two cruise ship docks; the original dock is in Gravel Bay. Each terminal can handle two ships, and often there are two in each. Today Mahogany Bay had two ships at dock.

Cool statue There are a lot of gift shops, boutiques and souvenir shops in the terminal. We were very surprised to see that the prices are as good, or even better, than some of the simple vendors we’ve seen out on the beaches and along the roadside.

Roatan has absolutely beautiful wood products, ranging from little hummingbirds carved out of mahogany on a key chain, to mango wood vases, to rose wood carved into apples, to ice buckets in purpleheart, zebra wood and mahogany. There are gorgeous salad bowls, intricate masks and amazing picture frames carved from mahogany with ocean scenes or jungle scenes or toucans and parrots. There are even beer steins carved with scenes of Roatan life. And there are mahogany chests from as small as 3 inches by 3 inches up to 3 feet by 4 feet and even larger! All exquisitely carved with amazing scenes.

And coffee! We’ve had Copan Coffee, grown right here on Roatan in the hills. It is mild and very good. But the Cafe Maya coffee is truly amazing. Rich and dark, but smooth and tasty. We’ll be bringing some of that home for sure!

Here is a little movie of the terminal and the rain.

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One thought on “Mahogany Bay, Roatan”

  1. the picture of those cows reminds me of being in Costa Rica :o) … same type there… often we had to wait for a herd to wander across the road over to their pasture, before the Van / Bus could proceed…
    hope your rainy weather doesn’t last.

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