Here we are in March

The sink areaLooking into the kitchenI look at the blog and see that I’ve really neglected it. We’ve been in the process of repairing flood damage and getting a new kitchen installed since November of last year. It just sucks the life out of you having no kitchen – no place to cook, no plumbing, no walls – it’s a bitch doing the dishes in the bathroom sink, believe me!

Dishes and pots and pans and cutlery and appliances are stacked everywhere – in the spare bedroom, the living room, the dining room, the bathroom! –  since there are no cabinets, not even walls!

New sink and faucetBut it’s been worth it in the long run. From the doorIt’s almost complete now, and we’re really happy with how things turned out. Every contractor we hired, or were hired by the restoration company, were first rate pros. I’ve got some painting and tiling above the back splash to do, and then we’re finished. I’ve already got the back splash done on the left side – we’re leaving the right clear for now, for the electrician to do his work.

If you look at the four pictures of the kitchen, the top two are obviously the before pics, and the bottom ones are roughly the same view with the new cabinets and floors.

Bailey on our new rugBailey on the other hand, doesn’t seem to care about those kind of things. So long as there is a bowl of food and a toilet is open to drink from, she’s happy!

You can see her rolling her eyes at us as we try to take her picture.

And here is a little movie of her having a splash in Everett Crowley park, just a block from where we live.