On Saturday, I played with my partner, Katherine, in the 1st Curacao Invitational Golf Tournament. It featured all the usual golf prizes – closest to the hole, longest drive – plus two big hole in one prizes! A hole in one on the sixth hole could win you a car.
The second hole in one was a raffled chance at a million dollars! There were ten “entries” drawn for the opportunity to take a shot at the hole in one. And I got one of the entries. I told Katherine that if I sunk the shot, I’d retire. When she reminded me that I was already retired, I realized I could let some one else win it. How generous of me, eh?
The shot was from 170 yards out on the 18th hole, across some water. The “tee box” was in the middle of the fairway. My excuse for missing the hole (in fact the whole green!) was that the tee box wasn’t level. haha Only one of the ten actually hit the green. Several hit into the water. I can take some (minor) satisfaction that I didn’t hit into the water and could pick my ball up.
It was a fun tourney, but I have to admit I didn’t play very well. A case of the jitters I guess. The harder I tried, the worse I got. Ah well, there is always next time. The fellow in the blue shirt is the club pro, Oliver, who ran things very smoothly.
Kat is the lady who was our real estate agent here in Curacao. She’s a fellow Canuck, so we “had to represent” as she put it. It wasn’t hard to pick our cart out of the pack on the course!