Category Archives: Holidays

Halloween Night

Pam, Halloween 2010Well, Halloween was UNREAL this year. Never dreamed there would be this many kids. It’s been twenty and thirty deep all night long. They started coming about an hour before we regularly get kids, and it has been non-stop all night long.

Honestly, we never dreamed there would be so many kids. There had to be close to 300 tonight. I’ve never seen it so packed, for so long! It’s a good thing we went and got a few “extra” candies, just in case! We ran out of practically everything.

Here are a couple of movies I took – one is quite early in the night – so you can see the display a bit better. Hope it gives you a sense of the place.

This is a game that Pam plays with all the kids… it’s a little dark, but you get the idea!

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010Halloween 2010Here is a movie that I took tonight. It didn’t work out that well, but I uploaded it to youtube anyway. Somehow, I managed to get a light to emit from the camera sometime during the movie. It wasn’t on at the beginning of the movie, but somehow came on during it… I guess I better try and figure out how the heck that happened, so I can turn it on! haha Might come in handy while we’re taking underwater pictures.

Halloween 2010The pictures aren’t that great either, but they give a sense of the place. We made some changes this year – went with a total graveyard theme. We’re not quite done, but I’ll get it all done tomorrow. Since Halloween is on Sunday, I guess that’s a good idea huh?

It’s been fun doing some things early this year. I didn’t realize how many people get a kick out of it. I think we’ve almost had more people stop and talk to us about the Halloween yard than when we do the Christmas yard!

Lighting the Olympic Flame

Vancouver 2010With the 2010 Winter Olympics set to open in our town in just a few weeks (give or take a day or two), speculation about who will be the person chosen for the honor of lighting the flame has taken on crazy proportions.

The one lighting ceremony that remains in my memory, is the image of Muhammad Ali lighting the flame in Atlanta. He has always been someone I admired for standing up for his beliefs, for his sportsmanship, and for his humanitarian work. He held the torch aloft, proudly, while struggling mightily to contain his Parkinsons. It was really emotional watching him climb up to light the flame.

Vancouver’s Olympic committee has promised us something special, who will makes us proud, and who we will admire. They are, of course, keeping it secret until the moment when the whole rest of the world will find out together. But they are promising a “WOW moment.”

Olympic TorchPam and I have been talking about who it should be… It’s a tough call. For me, it has to be someone from British Columbia, or someone strongly associated with British Columbia. It should not be a politician. It should be someone who has a strong association with sport, and fair play. It should be someone who we admire and respect. It should be someone with world wide appeal, or world wide recognition.

That’s a big list of qualifications. For many Canadians, Wayne Gretzky would fit the bill. We certainly admire him, and respect his achievements in sport. To say he was twice as good as anyone else in the sport, is not hyperbole, it’s borne out in his stats. He led Canada to Olympic Gold in Men’s Hockey and has the respect of the international sporting community. For me, he is just not right, because he is not associated with BC in any meaningful way.

Some have suggested Trevor Linden, instead. Linden was the Captain of the Vancouver Canucks for many years. For people in this province, he’s one of our favorite sons, despite being born in Alberta. He came to us a boy, and grew to a marvelous man, giving his time for meaningful charities like the children’s hospice, Canuck Place. Does he have worldwide appeal? Perhaps, but not like Wayne Gretzky.

Some have suggested Rick Hansen. Hansen’s Man in Motion World Tour, his journey around the world in his wheelchair to raise funds for spinal cord research was an amazing feat. He has raised close to $200 million in a selfless manner. He has raised awareness of the difficulties that wheelchair bound individuals face every day. He’s made the world a better place with his tireless pursuit of making access to public buildings the right of everyone, even the differently-abled. Choosing him would not be a disappointment to the vast majority of Canadians.

Some in the lunatic fringe have suggested David Suzuki – PLEASE! What does this guy have to do with sport? His world wide recognition is based on his tiring assertions of global warming, with its use of suspect science, intimidation and outright lies. His choice would be a distraction, and bottom line, an insult to those involved in sport.

Or how about Pamela Anderson? She is from BC, her sports connection is obvious – Hey she was a Baywatch Babe! A life guard – not a winter sport, but sports, in a way, I guess…. Her appeal would definitely be world wide! But ah no, I don’t think so… a distraction for sure.

So where do we turn? My choice is Betty Fox. Who is she? She is the 72 year old mother of Terry Fox, the one-legged runner who’s Marathon of Hope to raise funds for cancer research, nearly thirty years ago still captures the imagination of Canadians every year. We turn out in droves, to run, walk, or wheel in the annual Terry Fox Runs in almost every city and town in Canada. The annual Terry Fox Run has collected over $400 million  dollars for cancer research. His legacy of courage and inspiration is perfect for the Olympics.

If Rick Hansen were beside her, I think that too, would be fitting.

Happy New Year!

Happy New YearI can’t believe it’s New Year’s Eve already! The week since Christmas has flown by, so much to do!

2009 was a difficult year for a lot of people, and I hope you all managed to avoid any major negative upheavals.

Max, New Year's Eve, 2009Max has had his health issues this year, but he has managed to recover most of his mobility. The defect is most noticeable on the lino floor in the kitchen, where he can’t make his left front leg brace him, and the paw slips forward. But, as our dog sitter said, he’s a very lovable guy. He is very affectionate and he has a very playful manner. We’re glad to have him around, that’s for sure!

Pam and I have big plans for New Year’s – most involve staying awake til midnight… We both came through the year with our health intact, and we’re grateful for that.

Have a Safe and Fun Time tonight! May all of 2010 be a joy for everyone in your family. And we all wish for peace so our soldiers can come home.

Merry Christmas or Season's Greetings?

There is always a large, and very vociferous, debate about how to greet someone over the Christmas Holiday season. Many feel that Merry Christmas is too Christian, and offends the Jewish, Buddhists, and Islamic communities. They feel that Western culture does not take their feelings into account.

Merry Christmas!This may be true. But do Islamic countries allow Christians to celebrate their faith, openly, and without persecution in primarily Islamic countries? The answer, of course, is a resounding no. So should we be sensitive to their needs, in primarily Christian communities? The answer, of course, is a resounding yes.

Why the discrepancy? Simple. Because we can. We are freedom loving people. We don’t want to offend people; we want to welcome them to our communities and to our lives. If they choose to NOT celebrate our customs and traditions, that’s fine. I don’t celebrate the Islamic Diwalli Festival of Light either. I don’t greet people with Happy Diwalli. In fact, despite living in a community with a significant Islamic community, I have yet to be greeted by those of the Islamic faith with such a greeting.

Christmas is celebrated on an ancient pagan holiday. It is not a faithful representation of  the day of the birth of Christ. It is merely when we celebrate it, much like we celebrate the Queen’s birthday on some weekend in May. So why do we feel the need to express ourselves in such a way? Frankly, I do not object to people greeting me with Merry Christmas. But I also do not object to people greeting me with Happy Holidays or Season’s Greetings either. The latter two are more inclusive, embracing Jewish Hannukah, Islamic Diwalli, and even pagan celebrations of the New Year.

Surely, the whole point of this holiday is one of inclusion, celebration of family and friends, and thoughtful reflection on the year just finishing. Most of the dissenters are not people of other faiths, but agnostics who wish to remove all religion from any kind of meaningful context in our lives.

Let me be clear – I do not practice any faith, but to suggest I do not have Christian values is silly. Many of the things that make this country great, are because our forefathers were of Christian faith, and preached tolerance and love. To deny this, is to deny our heritage, our history, our life.

So my wish to you is this – Happy Everything! Happy Holidays! Season’s Greetings! And Merry Christmas too! I use all three sayings, and have no hangups about using any of them. I hope you will do the same.

Halloween frights

Fright Night!

Well Halloween has come and gone. It was pretty special this year. We were worried about the weather, since it was very windy and rained all week, and the forecast was for more of the same. But the day started sunny and warm and kept that way all day. The evening came and it was clear and no wind. So that was very cool. It’s great when the kids can come out in their costumes without having to worry about rain gear.

Fiona and friend   Mike and Fiona came out and helped with the festivities this year, too. Fiona got all done up in a witch’s outfit, and with Pam as a Ghoul, the kids had a double dose of fright! I tell you, Fiona had a great cackle, and the karaoke machine projected her voice – it was great!

Pam screams One lady told us that her daughter had been calling our house “the creepy house” all week and couldn’t wait to come and get some candy from us. But when she got to the house, and saw all the strobes flashing, the creepy red eyes gleaming, the smoke and the screaming, she couldn’t even look at Pam or Fiona! Her mother had to carry her down the driveway, but no way was she going to look! Pretty cute.

It was really nice to hear so many people thank us and compliment us. We have always done something around the place, but we really did do something different for this year. The graveyard theme was a big hit, and people loved walking through the headstones and reading all the goofy inscriptions. Next year I promise to do a better job of lighting the way!

Halloween 2009  We’ve also had some talk with the next door neighbours about doing a Haunted House or something like that. It’s an intriguing idea. We’ll have to take some time to consider how to do that. We watched a show called Extreme Halloween and one guy had a haunted house in his driveway. It was cool, but he figured he spends over $5000 a year on it! We ain’t going there!

I hope you enjoy the movies! It’s a little dark, but you get a sense of the place. You can hear them cackling and the scary music going!

Here is a shorter version of the mystery of the Great Pumpkin Head. Kids got to take a sucker from the Great Pumpkin Head, but if they took the wrong one, they got eaten! Apparently the younger ones are quite crunchy. If they picked the right one, Pam and Fiona begrudgingly gave them a bag of chips or nachos for it.