Category Archives: Holidays

The day before…

October 30th Well it’s the day before Halloween. And we’ve pretty much got the yard completed now. A couple of my neighbours stopped by and had a big chuckle over some of the grave stone sayings. One that we added yesterday has the name “AL B. BACK” (say it with an Austrian Accent!) and then “Died” with four dates, with three crossed out, 1984, 1991, 2003 then 2009… (For the 4 Terminator movies!)

The ladies across the street brought their kids over and said it’s been so much fun to get up in the morning and wonder what else we’ve added today!

Halloween 2009It’s nice to hear that people like it. Cars have been stopping and kids have been getting out too… I tell them, wait til tomorrow and the music and fog and screaming will really add ambience! haha

We still have a few skeletons to put out, and a couple of ghouls. We’ve got a string or two of lights that go around the table we’ll put out for the candy dishes. We’ve also got a skeleton that is all in pieces – we’ve put it in a suitcase, and labelled it “Bone Voyage!”

Here is a quick movie of the yard at about 4 pm this afternoon.

Halloween Vandalism

Pam and I do a lot of exterior decorating, for lots of different holidays. Have done it since we’ve been married, and each year, we add a little to the display, make it a bit better. We do it for the kids, because we remember how cool it is to see someone get into the spirit. Pam asked me once what we’d do if someone vandalized our stuff. I said, “no worries, we’ll start over. Not going to be defeated by idiots and losers.”

Why am I saying that? Well, here’s a first! Someone stole one of the grave stones off our front yard. Only one marker was stolen – they left the cool skeletons, the fancy bats, the lights, the pumpkins, the blow ups – everything. Only the new grave stone we made this year with the name “Roberto 2009” on one side, and “Anna 2009” on the other side went missing. Interesting that only that one grave marker went missing. In fact, VERY interesting that it is only that one particular grave stone that went missing.

It’s amazing to me, how small some people are. Stealing a wooden grave stone? Wow. You must really be proud of yourself. A truly remarkable person. I bet your father, if you know who he is, must be really proud of you! And your mother, gosh, she must truly be a remarkable person too – instilling such values in you… She probably works down on Main and Hastings. I shouldn’t be too hard on the thief, though, they probably have residual childhood issues, like bedwetting, Mommy didn’t breastfeed them, or Daddy spent too much time with the hookers.

At any rate, I’ve got two more grave markers in production, and we’ll just replace the stolen grave marker. These small, pathetic people won’t deter us…

More on Halloween

Pam and Max Today was a nice day, so Pam and I spent most of the afternoon puttering around the yard, making modifications to the front yard display. Last night a really stong wind came along and broke a few decorations, even breaking off one of the styrofoam crosses!

Halloween 2009We put out one of the blowups and it really fills the yard! We also added a few bats hanging from trees. Max gets a kick out of Halloween and he spent the day chasing us around the yard! (He’s doing great by the way. He’s on a second round of steroids and his appetite is great.)

It’s been fun doing it this early – lots of people have stopped and talked to us about it. The young girl across the street looks scared already! And we haven’t even got the creepy music or the spooky lighting or the smoke machine going yet!

I’ve got another grave marker drying in the garage, and we’ll put that out tomorrow. I’ve got a couple big spiders (5 or 6 FEET across!) to put out too. And we have not picked up any pumpkins yet. We’ll have to go out to a few farms and see what kind of deals there are!

Halloween 2009

Halloween 2009 We’re starting Halloween decorations way early this year. We’re going for a graveyard theme. I’ve added a few more tombstones from last year’s display. I’ve managed to get some more “raw material” for the tombstones.

PSA, Halloween 2009The paint job ain’t great, but at night, they look better lol. I’ll work on them a little more. I’ve found a simple way to keep the styrofoam grave stones from blowing away. Simple and easy. Will have to see how I can adapt that to Christmas lights.

It’s a work in progress so far. Pam is off tomorrow, so we’ll probably spruce things up a bit more. She wanted to involve more of the yard, instead of a “Strip of Horror” down the driveway, like we normally do. More room to scare ’em, I guess…

And we’ve added Mike’s door from his Volvo to the proceedings lol.


St. Patrick's DayHope you all had a great St. Patty’s day, cuz I sure did! Here is a picture of Max and I posing for a green photo before heading off to work.

Nice hat!Pam found some swell four leaf clover lights – like a string of Christmas lights, but with lucky clover leaf. I took them into work and strung ’em around the desk.

And it worked! The Canucks won last night, setting a team record in the process. (A good team record too, ten victories in a row. Much better than the 9 losses in a row that preceded this record!)

Anyway – hope you all had a Lucky day!


Pam in the SnowWe shoveled and shoveled yesterday. And woke this morning to greet Christmas with more shoveling! hah

Looking forward to global warming. They say we can expect another 20 centimeters before the night is over.

Are we not full yet?

Here is a little movie to go with our winter theme; it’s from a couple days ago. There is a lot of snow there, as you can see, but we’ve had at least 8 inches since that movie was taken.

This is of a neighbour’s house, just so you don’t think I’m the only one around who does his lights up!