Tag Archives: eagles

Eagles and ducks

Pam and BaileyToday, the 19th of February, we were in Green Timbers Park, North Surrey. The weather is a bit brisk – cool, but sunny. As we were wandering around this large urban forest, we arrived at the duck pond. It’s a man made lake stocked with rainbow trout for the local fisherman.

Two eaglesLots of birds hang around the lake including ducks, herons, and eagles. We got to see two majestic looking eagles, perched in a tree hanging over the edge of the lake, no doubt staring at the nearby food source! The lower eagle has his head twisted right around facing us. Now that’s flexible!

Bailey chasing ducksBailey sure found the whole experience a little exciting. She just can’t resist going after the ducks, and trying to jump into the lake after them. Pam had a heck of a time trying to convince her that that wasn’t the thing to do!

Here’s a little movie showing her prancing around trying to get at all the ducks taunting her.