Tag Archives: FVCC

Radiation planning March 7 2010

Today I went to the Fraser Valley Cancer Clinic (FVCC) and I saw the gals in radiology who did some Scans and marking of the breast area that is to be hit with radiation. I think the procedure was an hour or so. The first thing was I watched a video of what would happen, and that took about 15 min to watch. Then I had to get in a gown and get on the table of the machine, and they put me in a certain position.. the same position I have to be in for each radiation treatment. They did a mold of my body shape and how I had my arms over my head, and they did an exact mold so each time I use that to “assume the position”.  Then after they did many different scans in different directions, took pictures with the camera’s… I was then injected with some dye, just a pinprick x 3 so they marked the boundaries of where I would be zapped. Tattooed x 3, it is a small dot.

I have to now wait for the “planning” part of it to be done.. where the radiology gals and the DR decide on the strength of zapping, and the length of each treatment. I know I have to do mon-fri x 5 weeks. The specialist told me that, but I still don’t know  the start date for that.

I have to go for a bone scan tomorrow, and a liver ultrasound ?? no date yet. I imagine they are just looking to see if the cancer might have spread. I’m not sure. Maybe they are looking at baselines before the radiation happens.

I also got a call from Surrey Memorial Hospital  Rehab. I need to go on the 9th for physio. They see breast surgery patients 1 month post to assess how they are doing, and measure post op to assess for lymphedema.

I see my family Dr on Thursday. I still have to do fasting blood work but it’s been to nuts with having to travel to Calgary the day after I saw my Dr, and now having appointments or tests each day. I’m just tired of all of the running.

I got sick when I went to Calgary. Mum had a wicked sore throat, and coughing ++ and I managed to get it (no surprise there). Anyways I’m now in the midst of a sore throat and hacking ++, fever. I tried to get in to see my family Dr tomorrow but she’s already double booked so it was a no go. I feel a bit better today, not coughing up as much gunk so that’s good. 🙂

That is all of my news thus far. I’ve been taking the letrozole, and I do think I am feeling some extra joint pain, more sweats (yahoo!) and definately noticing more PACs.  The pharmacy was closed while I was there at cancer clinic today, but I will ask them about the side effects of letrozole. I imagine, even though I am post menopausal, that the letrozole is driving my estrogen levels down further, thereby increasing my menopausal side effects. That’s my theory anyways and I’m going with it until I hear differently. heheh


Cancer Agency Visit Feb 16th 2011

Today we met with my Oncologist Dr Oja. He was great. I really liked his manner, the tone he set, he took so much time with us, he answered a ton of questions, gave his opinion on issues and he was a wealth of knowledge. I was impressed.  I’m not easily impressed. He answered Maurice’s questions and included him in the visit. There was not one thing I could complain about.

So, to the nitty gritty…  he looked at the size of original tumor 1.1cm , grade of tumor (2) and my age and general health etc. He said they know % rates for  relapses,  risks of death…  with just doing nothing except the radiation which I will need to have for sure from 4-6 weeks of it. The % of risk of relapse if they add 5 yrs of hormone therapy (which for me was strongly recommended), and what the % risk of death is with hormone therapy….  then they added in what the risks would be with chemotherapy added for relapse and death. So I’ll just write it out as succinctly as I can (a chore for me as anyone who knows me knows..)

As things are, with doing nothing but Radiation = 25-35% of risk of relapse, 8-12 % risk of death from breast cancer.

Adding Hormone therapy (which was strongly recommended I do, and have done) = 5 yrs of Letrozole prevents a further 12-18% of relapses  (puts me about 13% chance or relapse) plus prevents  2-5 % risk of death from breast cancer  (puts me down to 6-7% chance death)

PLUS adding Chemotherapy = 6 treatments each 3 weeks apart (possible to do, but not strongly recommended) prevents extra 6 % of relapses  (would put me at 7%) plus prevents  2-4 % of deaths.   (would put me 4-6%)

The chemo is harsh on the body and there are potentially serious side effects/complications that didn’t seem worth the risk to do it considering that my cancer was caught so early and only one lymph node involved.  Dr Oja went over all of the risks and complications with us and did not strongly recommend I do chemo as well, but that choice is up to me. I have made the decision that I am not going to do the chemo.  I walked in there thinking I would throw everything I was offered at it, but after looking at the stats and the risks and the percentages, I feel like I’m making the right decision, and at the end of the day, that is what is important.. is that I’m comfortable with the decision that I have to live with. 🙂

I also asked about clinical trials that were going on, so we will see if I am to be a part of them, they have done some blood work today, and I also had a chest xray today, got my first 3 months of Letrozole  and met with the clinical trials nurse.

I’m still having some nerve pain from the surgery, and areas of numbness. I am meeting with my family Dr on Feb 22nd, and I’ll let her see the data and let her know what I’ve decided, and we will take a snapshot as to how I’m feeling and see if I feel ready to go back to work. Today I don’t, but the 22nd is 6 days away so I’m hoping that things will feel better by then! 🙂

I will post things as they happen 🙂 I’m grateful Maurice was with me.
