Tag Archives: incision

Davol Drain is out! Progress is made.

Feb 6thΒ  Sunday:

At 08:45 the home care nurse called to say she was coming shortly for a visit. We were ready when she got here. The dog was safely tucked away in a room while she came to take the drain out. Home care have certain safety stipulations and one is, that if you have a dog/pet that they be locked away while they visit, so no risk of getting bitten or scratched. They also keep their shoes on, WCB regulations, so they don’t accidentally step on a pin or puncture or cut themselves in any way. Also they want to know how many people are in the home when they visit.Β  Anyways, she came and I pulled the dressing off while she got her dressing tray ready for the big event! πŸ™‚

Pam's IncisionThe drainage has been getting less and less each day, so for the last 24 hrs it has been about 15 cc’s only. Well under the Dr’s order of if the drainage is less than 24 cc’s in 24 hrs.. the drain can come out.Β  πŸ™‚ So with a cut of the suture holding it in place, and a pull, it was OUT. Now, all I have there is the breast incision (still has some green dye on it) and a small dressing in armpit where they took the lymph nodes out and where the drain was in. That fresh incision and drain site is covered with a small mepore dressing. I’ve asked M to take a picture of it so you can see what it looks like (I didn’t take a picture while the drain was in but I guess I should have).

I was hoping the feeling of a big lump under my arm would go away. I had thought the big Abdominal pad they had folded in place was what I was feeling, but it wasn’t. It’s numb under my arm still, and when my arm is down by my side, it’s numb under my arm too, so it’s 2 numb things touching each other (weird feeling, let me tell you) that I am feeling. There is something going on with my nerves in the area, because sometimes if I move my arm or shoulder a certain way, it’s like I get a burning electric shock in my shoulder/axilla area. It’s hard to explain, but I am hoping as healing starts now that the drain is out, that it will get better slowly. fingers crossed!

The next thing that is going to happen is that home care will call in a couple of days to see how things are looking, and if no signs of infection in surgical sites, then I’ll be officially discharged from the home care program. I see family Dr and Surgeon on Feb 10th and I’m expecting to get news of the rest of the lymph nodes taken out Feb 1st.

Still no word from the cancer agency, but I think they wait until the breast and axilla heal up (about 4 weeks I think surgeon said) before they start me on radiation. I expect I’ll need chemo, but I will have to talk to them and see what they suggest.

Dr's Appt in about 40 minutes

Well we will be leaving in about 15 minutes to go to the Dr’s appointment with the Surgeon. We expect that we will get staging results today. We hope so anyways, at least then we will know what we face.Β  Maurice is coming with me πŸ™‚ It snowed throughout the night, and it’s still snowing as we got up this AM at 0800. The appointment is for 09:05Β  so either way, good or bad news, I’ll come on and post the results.

Thanks everyone for keeping me in their thoughts. You most certainly have been in mine. πŸ™‚ I appreciate all of the support, emails, visits, candles lit, prayers and phone calls, flowers, and most recently the gift I was given by some co-workers/friends at the other site where I work. πŸ™‚ All of this has made me feel very spoiled πŸ™‚ but in a good way. Thanks again, and I’ll post any news, soon.

It’s 8:30 now… we will leave home in about 10 minutes. πŸ™‚ How is that for an up to date, blow by blow description of what is happening!? lol

The incisions are starting to heal up to the point where they are now itching me πŸ™‚ they are covered with steristrips so I imagine the surgeon will yank them off today. The drain site has a little drainage. when I took the bandage off this AM to clean it and redress it before seeing Dr, there was a small bit of congealed blood that pulled away on the dressing. so once I see Dr and get the all clear to stop wearing the binder I had put on me during the surgery (for support) I’ll start wearing a sports bra. I wasn’t before as I didn’t want it rubbing along bra line in axilla. I have my list of questions for the Dr. Hopefully I get the answers today! Waiting is a bitch..