Tag Archives: Max takes ill

About Max

It has been so long since I have made a post, and I really don’t even know how to begin this one.

Last night around 1 am, Max let out a blood-curdling scream. I thought at first it was a person, not Max. We bolted out of bed, to see Max laying on his side, panting heavily. It soon became evident that he was paralyzed on the left side, and unable to stand or even sit up.

We took him to the vet right away, but the vet said there was very little we could do for him. He will either get better, or he won’t. Pretty deep thinking there….

We have brought him home and he does not seem to be in distress, and is resting comfortably. He still cannot get up, and his left legs are useless, and he seems unable to move them.

His tail hasn’t wagged at all, even when I come into the room and pet him. Poor little Maxie! It’s just devastating to think what the future holds! We’re just hoping and praying he will recover some of his mobility. If his front leg would take some weight he could get around I’m sure.

He just has to get some mobility back! Please say a prayer for the little guy.