Tag Archives: progress

Max update Thursday 5:54 pm

One of the vets from Scottsdale Veterinary Hospital called today to check on Max. I told her what we had been observing over the last 3 days since we saw our vet Shawn… she said that this gave her good reason to be hopeful, the fact that he is correcting his hind foot when he knuckles and then corrects to walk on pads.. that it shows he’s feeling his foot at least. She said that this sort of thing sometimes takes months, not days.. and that it could be a slow road to recovery but that she has seen dogs some back from being totally imobilized to walking again. She gave us hope when she told us that.

Also, I called the Abby SPCA today to talk to Alicia , the gal there who loves Max so, and wanted to keep her updated as to whats happened with him. She was not in, but I gave our ph# etc and she called while I was on the phone with the Vet, so I found her message and Maurice called and talked to her.

Alicia, you are welcome to come by anytime to visit Maxie..ย  heheh he might bark at you though.. you know how he is! ๐Ÿ™‚ย  He’s had a quiet time of it the last few days doing mostly laying in the family room by the fresh air and door, or just outside on the cement pad, on his sheepskin bed…

We are doing ROM (range of motion) exercises with his limbs and the left hind leg shows no stiffness, but his left front leg is stiffening up and so we are going to double our efforts and do his exercises more often.. we want to try to keep his limbs limber and not go stiff as a carp!

We are expecting houseguests in a couple of days, and I’m not sure how Maxie will react to them, but we will take it day by day.ย  He will not be left alone to struggle or flop around. Either M or I will stay with him.

Last night Maurice was able to get more than 2-3 hrs sleep and I had a solid 6 hrs so we are both feeling alot better today, we were going on fumes there for a bit, but feeling stronger today! ๐Ÿ™‚ For me, today has been a day of hope. When we were eating dinner Max stood up and balanced on 3 legs and drank water.. he’s not able to walk on 3 legs by himself, but just the fact that he was able to stand and balance on it, made my heart sing. THAT is courage.