Tag Archives: Tobey

Some fun pictures

Vancouver Aquarium Whale showRecently I’ve been doing some work on the blog, most notably improving the pictures that are here. Some of the pictures were from scans I had done many years ago when we still used dialup. So the pictures weren’t very large, and quite grainy. I’ve re-scanned them and inserted them into the various posts throughout the blog. This one is of the whales that used to be in Stanley Park.

Pam looking coolWhile I was searching through our old pictures I found a lot of fun pictures and I thought I’d put a couple up here for you to see. This one of Pam was taken in about 1982, several years after we got married. Pam doesn’t even remember them being taken – a sure sign of age, right? But her brother Peter says that he took them while in his last year of high school. The dogs are her much loved Tobey and Duke.

Joy on my BMWAnd this one was taken in 1999 in Toronto. I had ridden my bike, a BMW R1007, to a Microsoft Gaming Zone Bridge convention. Our friend Joy, who lives in Ohio, but had come up to Toronto for the bridge, is seen testing out the bike for size!

Dad and Mom 2005And here is one of my parents. I realized there are very few pictures of them up here, and obviously that’s my bad! There is no date on the photo, but I’d estimate it was taken about ten years ago.