Blog Post – Thursday

Tommorrow we get Max. I’m taking the afternoon off so I can make sure we get him home.

I feel slightly guilty that we’re bringing home a new boy already, but I simply can’t go on with this void in my heart, and my life. The mornings have been especially painful for me… Buck and I had breakfast together, went for a walk together and generally started our day together.  I really miss him.

I’m nervous about Max too – the Chow requires a strong Alpha Male presence, and I hope I’m up for it!

Thanks to every one for the emails, cards and flowers. They really meant a lot to us.


Max Update!

I called the SPCA out in Abbottsford to see how Max was doing, and she said Max left to go have his surgery and he won’t be back out there tonight, that they keep him at the clinic overnight, but that he would be returned in the morning and would be there before they open to the public. I told her that we would most likely be out there around 2 ish and Alicia said that was fine.

I asked Alicia if he would be doing the cone thing, and she said no, they don’t usually unless they are really chewing at it, and that it’s not a super painful surgery so he would most likely not be on pain meds. So the cone is one indignity that he will be spared hopefully, but if he needs it, he’ s going to have it.  It’s a hard thing to start your new life in pain post operatively, but hopefully this little guy will find each day with us gets better and better. 🙂

I’ve given Alicia the website info and where she can come to get updates on Max as I know she really likes him alot and has bonded with him. It’s swell to know he has touched people’s hearts even from a cage. He looks to be a very special boy… well he picked us didn’t he!? 🙂 hee hee

I am hoping we can make a new memorial section on our website so we can honour Buck, and also Bugsy and Malone the two cats (husband and wife) that we had for so many years… getting them at age 6-7, and caring for them until they were seniors at 18+…  there will be comfort in looking at that area for us, knowing we did the best we could for them, and gave them all a pretty darned good life. 🙂

First impressions

I went to see Max yesterday at the SPCA in Abbotsford. We spotted him on the internet and when I called to see if he was still there, he was! We thought we should go look, as he looked lost and alone, and frightened to be there..  Alicia was especially helpful once we got there, in telling us about Max. We thought he looked lovely. Someone had taken the time to groom him nicely and spruce him up, and he walked so nicely on the lead with us, and trotted like a trooper 🙂 My husband Maurice and I both felt like this little guy really should be part of our pack… and so the paperwork got done. We are waiting for Max’s surgery to be done tomorrow (thursday) and then we get to bring him home Friday or Saturday… and then we will have our furbaby home with us, and life will be good. I know he’s going to have a different personality from our first boy Buck… and that as a part chow, he’s going to be a stubborn guy about a few things 🙂  but we are up for it and our urge to give this guy  a loving home far outweighs any thoughts that it might be more than we are used to.. 🙂

This Blog is going to be our diary of Max. Friends and family and dog lovers can help celebrate his life here with us. Post if you want, Max will answer you 🙂

…Pam and Maurice…