Halloween 2008

Pam. Halloween 2008. This Halloween we were expecting some pretty terrible weather. According to the weather man we were going to be deluged with rain. HAH! I don’t think so.

It was almost balmy. I was not cold at all sitting outside under our overhang by the garage. Maurice did a spectacular job decorating this year.  I had bought a new blow up at Costco, a group of ghouls with 2 large trees with a bevy of monsters in between them. The blow up is about 7 feet long or so, and pretty tall.

It’s nice and bright, and the number of people who were taking pictures of their kids in front of the blow up was amazing. I also got alot of requests to pose with the kids (I guess I’m not that terrifying).

The REAL Reaper?Maurice added to the fun by coming out with a yoda mask on, and he would just stand there, the kids didn’t know if he was real or not. When he spoke and yelled ” get the little ones, they taste the best!” they knew! Never saw kids run so fast in my life. 🙂 hee hee

Not to be outdone, Max added to the festivities by providing some sound effects. He would bark from inside the house, or garage when the kids came up and that provided some spookifying sounds!

WOLF!Maurice set up the karaoke machine for me as well as the small stereo we have with a subwoofer, so the heartbeats, screams and thumping drums, buzzing fly’s and what with Max the wolfs howls… the night was complete!

We usually get about 175-200 kids, but I think we only had about 125-150 this year.  Marit, our next door neighbour came over with a swell treat of some home made pumpkin tarts with whipped cream on them. yummy. Thanks Marit! She looked swell in her vampire type outfit and was handing out candy next door.

The Canucks were playing tonight, and we won against the Ducks. I missed the game, but it was for a good cause. Halloween has always been a fun fun holiday for us, and while some may think we over do it, we consider it a gift that we can give to the kids once a year.

Monsters in love!Maurice here — I have to say – this year was so much fun. Never seen so many kids run for their lives!

There were quite a few kids who wouldn’t even come up the drive way when Pam put the smoke on. They’d hang back and grab their parent’s hands. We’d try to coax them up the driveway by saying through the karaoke machine speakers “Come get your candy, it’s good candy, don’t be afraid!” But lots wouldn’t do it. Lot’s would come up and say, “thanks for scaring me!” lol

Sometimes I’d be in the house, and I’d see them come up and I’d yell out the mailbox – “Let me have the little one, no one would miss them – just the little one… oh come on, give me just a leg then…..” all in a transylvanian accent – If they ran (and LOTS did) i’d yell, “Aw no, you let them get away! Grab them Igor!!”

Motion activated skullThis guy was right at the end of the driveway, and people would be focused on Pam and her smoke machine. Little did they know, we had put a motion activated skull on this guy’s arm – and it would scream and blood would run down the face – it scared the daylights out of a lot of people, even adults. lol

Great start to the display!

Here is a movie of the guy in motion.

Halloween 2008Here is a another shot – it shows the red effect we got by having a big red spot shine down over the garage door. The big skull head had flashing red eyes too.

With the smoke curling out of there, and we had REALLY loud scary music coming out of the 3 or 4 speakers, it was a hellish looking place! Man it was fun. Kids literally ran away screaming! It was the best year for me.

We’re already planning how to improve things for next year. We saw someone with Chucky and the Bride of Chucky hanging from their garage… that might be a little too extreme!

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