First blooms

White crocusThe WINTER Olympics are set to kick off on Friday, so it’s nice see the crocuses finally starting to bloom in the garden!

Yep, it’s tough I know, especially knowing that Washington, DC and other points east are covered – deeply! – in snow. So while you’re out shoveling snow, at least you can come and look at the crocuses blooming here in Surrey!

First crocus 2010It’s odd though, usually the yellow crocuses bloom first, but we don’t have any yellow ones up yet. We’ve got about 30 or so purple ones, and just a couple of white ones.

Not sure what happened to the yellow ones, but hopefully they’ll be popping open shortly. The grape hyacinths are pushing open too, with small little buds ready to pop open in to their full purple glory in the next couple of days.

Maybe the yellow ones are waiting until Canada wins their first gold in the Olympics!