Remembering Buck

Buck on the deckIt was two years ago that Buck died. October 9th 2008. We sat around tonight, reminiscing about some of his crazy antics. He sure was a good dog! I miss him a lot still, but I can remember him without crying. My eyes still sting, and my heart aches, but I do remember him with such fondness, the grief is easier to deal with.

I remember I took Buck over to the Spanish Banks, a beach in Vancouver. With his webbed feet, he was a good swimmer. We were in the ocean, out about forty or fifty feet. He was right beside me, and we were swimming around, enjoying the sunshine.

Buck trappedThere was a log floating there, and it was tossing gently in the waves. I noticed it, but Buck did not. It nudged him in the back, and his eyes went as big as saucers! He let out a yelp, and made a beeline for shore. I mean, he was swimming as fast as he could. Clearly, the log had spooked him! He probably thought it was a shark or something! haha I tried calling to him, but he simply kept moving, not stopping. As soon as his feet hit the ground he began bounding into the shore, leaping over the waves. Nothing was going to stop him!

When he got to the shore, he kept running. He was some spooked! I was laughing so hard, it was tough trying to keep up with him. I finally caught up to him after chasing him for most of the length of the beach… He would never go swimming again! He would enter the water, but the minute his feet left the ground, that was it. He would turn around immediately and get out.

He was a great dog.

I miss you Bo…