Tag Archives: For Buck

Notes about weather

The view towards Mt BakerIt’s been another crazy year for snow. Walking around right now is still a little treacherous in spots, but no where near as bad as it was last week. And January was brutal for lots of snow and lots of cold. It really does have me considering winter tires for next year, that’s for sure.

Once again this year Pam and I both got sick: Pam was sicker, by her estimate, but insisted it was not the flu. She was sidelined for a good three weeks or more. It was a tough go… another sign we’re getting old I guess.

Stellar photo of BuckThe photo of Buck in the header is an old one, from 2002. Not sure what age that makes Buck, but he looks adorable as usual. So attentive.

Some more pictures that are blog worthy

Buck and MauriceThe photo of Buck in the header was taken in the last month of his life. The one here on the couch, I’m not sure of the year exactly, but had to be before 1998, I’d say. In other words, a very young Buck.

Buck and BugsyThis is Bugsy, one of two cats Buck had to co-exist with for a lot of his life. The picture was originally a 640×480 Sony Mavica shot, but I doubled the size of it, so that’s why the texture of the photo is off, but it’s still a fun image to see.

Remembering Buck

Buck on the deckIt was two years ago that Buck died. October 9th 2008. We sat around tonight, reminiscing about some of his crazy antics. He sure was a good dog! I miss him a lot still, but I can remember him without crying. My eyes still sting, and my heart aches, but I do remember him with such fondness, the grief is easier to deal with.

I remember I took Buck over to the Spanish Banks, a beach in Vancouver. With his webbed feet, he was a good swimmer. We were in the ocean, out about forty or fifty feet. He was right beside me, and we were swimming around, enjoying the sunshine.

Buck trappedThere was a log floating there, and it was tossing gently in the waves. I noticed it, but Buck did not. It nudged him in the back, and his eyes went as big as saucers! He let out a yelp, and made a beeline for shore. I mean, he was swimming as fast as he could. Clearly, the log had spooked him! He probably thought it was a shark or something! haha I tried calling to him, but he simply kept moving, not stopping. As soon as his feet hit the ground he began bounding into the shore, leaping over the waves. Nothing was going to stop him!

When he got to the shore, he kept running. He was some spooked! I was laughing so hard, it was tough trying to keep up with him. I finally caught up to him after chasing him for most of the length of the beach… He would never go swimming again! He would enter the water, but the minute his feet left the ground, that was it. He would turn around immediately and get out.

He was a great dog.

I miss you Bo…

Sunday in the park

Eye on MaxMax and I went down to the Watershed Park today. We walked for 15-20 minutes. He is really eager to run, but I’ve been trying to hold him back. Pam is concerned that he’s regressed a little since we’ve stopped the steroid treatments. So, tomorrow we’re going to take him back to Dr. Shawn for a checkup.

He gets around just fine. He is alert and wants to play as much as he always did. He does “stagger” slightly once in a while, but he rarely falls. He doesn’t seem to be in pain at all. So really, it’s just precautionary, no cause for alarm.

He has a funny little quirk, very much like Buck. When he wants to go out, he goes to the back door and puts his right paw on the single step, then lifts his left leg as if knocking on the door. When we see it, we go over and open the door. He quickly charges out, UNLESS it’s raining, then he knocks you over turning around to get back inside! It is amazing how long he can hold it when it’s raining!

Sept 12 Update for Max

Last night Dr Shawn called (our Vet) and he was pleased with the improvement Max has been showing and said that as long as things are holding the course and he’s improving, no need to see him yet, that he will call in a weeks time. Up to now the office has been calling every day or two to see how Max has been doing. I can’t tell you how impressed I have been by that. It’s really made me feel like we’ve finally found a vet that cares and goes that extra mile. If you want your pet to have good care, take them to Scottsdale Veterinary Hospital on Scottroad and 70th avenue, across from the Krispy Kreme.

Anyways no major change in Max since the post 2 days ago. He’s still walking now on all 4’s at times, but sometimes he knuckles the front left paw, and sometimes he walks normally. He’s unsteady at times and leans to one side, but he’s mobile and able to get himself in and out of the back patio area up and down one stair. He could not do a whole flight of stairs, but for the one, he’s able to manage. Last night was the first night he has slept without a pain med to settle him and he did ok. I came upstairs to bed at 2:30 and he was panting away , and after I gave him a good long drink of water he settled.

we have been keeping the bedroom window open for fresh air and the fan on oscillate to move the air around at night as it can get stuffy upstairs. and we have to keep the door closed at night so he doesn’t fall down the stairs.  Anyways that’s been more comfortable for Maxie, who is quite sensitive to the heat.

Our company has gone now and the place is quiet, Max was pretty good with having new people in the house, especially good really, considering he’s a barker and growler when “strangers” to him are around.. he did bark a bit at first but then he was pretty good. 🙂 Way to go Maxie!

A huge thanks to Nick for bringing us his gift of the watercolour of Buck. Nick you will never know how much this means to us. We lost Buck not quite a year ago now, and it’s still painful for us, so to have him back with us like this, is a great comfort. A great comfort. Our family is whole again. 🙂 Now when Maurice and I are in the family room with Maxie, we have Buck watching over us 🙂 Our angel Buck. You made that happen Nick, and it is an extremely meaningful gift.

Today is a lovely sunny day and my vacation is coming to an end. I’m back to work in 2 days, but I’m hopeful my brother Peter will be coming out to visit us after this next stretch I have to work…  Come Peter, and you can see Maxie’s recovery and fight to get back on the road to health. 🙂


Wonderful Painting from Nick

Nick, our nephewI’ve mentioned a few times that Karen, my sister, is here with her husband Dick and their son Nick. They brought with them a rather large parcel, all wrapped up. After we’d had our hugs of welcome, they said, “Listen up, this is from Nick.”

Painting of BuckWhen I opened it, I was really overwhelmed. Totally had me crying. Nick said that he missed Buck and wanted to do something to remember him. Then he gave it to us. What a truly amazing young man he is. Thank you very much Nick! It is so beautiful, so thoughtful.

I’ve given it the most prominent spot in our house. I’ve hung it over the couch in the family room. Where it will always be seen, where Nick’s thoughtfulness and Buck’s presence will always give us a sense of joy and happiness.

Thank you, Nick. Thank you.

Happy New Year everyone!

New Year’s Eve day has dawned cold again. The snow is still hanging around in big dirty piles, like so much laundry. The rains have come to take some away, but the drifts are still several feet high on the lawn. We have a small patch of green showing! ha – spring is coming.
Ice-CrystalsHere is a picture I took of some ice crystals. It struck me as interesting when I took it, now not so much… guess with coffee comes cynicism.

2008 was a difficult year for a lot of people. It’s hard to wish people Happy New Year this year, but it seems this year especially it’s more important to do so. Because I truly hope 2009 is a better year for you all.

I hope there is less war and killing and dying. Enough of our soldiers dying in countries we know so little about, for reasons we seem to care less about, as the world economy teeters on the brink of collapse. We pour billions into war – enough of it already. Let’s try half that amount on peace instead.

Buck in the snowI’m glad to see 2008 recede away into the past…. let the pundits begin to peck at it’s carcass. It was a rotten year in a lot of ways.

Good luck to Barack Obama and all the other political leaders this year. It’s gonna be a long hot summer…

Anyway – cynical rant off…

I truly do wish you a great New Year. May you all continue to prosper in these difficult times.

And I still really miss my boy Buck.