Tag Archives: recovery

July 28th

Both incisionsHi everyone. Sorry for taking so long to post again. Pam is doing ok. She is still a couple weeks from being able to try putting weight on her broken leg. She has been going to physio and they are pleased with her ability to bend the broken knee. She started with about 40% range of motion, but has that up to about 75% currently.

Inside incisionShe has had some problems with one of the incisions not healing quite properly. It has never quite knitted together, and it’s sprung a few drops of blood. We’re heading back to see her doctor today to see if she should get a stitch or three put in to help. The other side is doing ok, but has become irritated with the brace she has to wear 24/7. It has rubbed right near the knee cap, and it’s a bit sore. When she stands up for any length of time, the injured leg gets quite discolored, going a deep red, so I’m not sure what’s up with that.

Both these pictures were taken July 5th, over two weeks after the surgery. Her leg is still quite swollen in the pictures, although it has gone down quite a bit since then. It’s still quite swollen, but getting better anyway. She has a lot of sensitivity in the leg, and has a lot of trouble getting comfortable. Partly, I think, because of the inactivity she is forced to endure. Usually we’re out in a park everyday with Max, so it’s been hard on her to sit in her chair.

She was going stir crazy just staring at these walls so we piled in the car, along with Max and we drove to one of the local parks. I wheeled her around in her wheelchair so we could see the flowers and watch Max prance with the dogs, so that was nice. There have been precious few nice days this year. Unlike most of the world, we’re stuck in cool weather, rainy and very little sunshine.

Overall, I’m feeling positive with how she is recovering, physically. She is struggling with the mental side, though. It’s a been a long couple of years with all these surgeries and injuries, and she still has a long fight ahead of her to even get back to walking. I can’t blame her for feeling a little down.

She gets a visitor once in a while and they really have been a great tonic for her. Maggie came over and painted her toes a bright color and put some fancy tattoos on them, so she was pretty thrilled about that. She’s been a real boon to Pam’s spirits, a really great friend.

We’re hanging in there. Hope you’re all doing swell!

Quick update

Scottsdale Vet        We took Max down to the vet on Friday afternoon. Dr Llewellyn had told us to watch him closely once we stopped the steroids, to see if Max had any difficulty. He has not improved since we stopped the steroids, I’d have to say that.

He’s still a very playful guy. He’s found a road hockey ball that he gets a great kick out of throwing around. Maybe we should train him to throw it when the Canucks score! First few games he wouldn’t have got much exercise tho…

But, he doesn’t have full control of his left front paw, even though he can get around. We’ll give him another go at the steroids. Maybe we can advance him a bit more. We’ll have to keep him from running, so we’ll curtail our visits to the big parks.

At any rate, Max is doing well. Don’t worry about him. He’s mobile. He’s not very steady on his feet sometimes, but you should see me trying to walk these days! haha No really, he’s not as frisky as he was before all this happened, but he was a “senior dog” when we got him. We knew life would happen. 🙂 He’s warm and well fed and loved! And he seems ok with that.

Sunday in the park

Eye on MaxMax and I went down to the Watershed Park today. We walked for 15-20 minutes. He is really eager to run, but I’ve been trying to hold him back. Pam is concerned that he’s regressed a little since we’ve stopped the steroid treatments. So, tomorrow we’re going to take him back to Dr. Shawn for a checkup.

He gets around just fine. He is alert and wants to play as much as he always did. He does “stagger” slightly once in a while, but he rarely falls. He doesn’t seem to be in pain at all. So really, it’s just precautionary, no cause for alarm.

He has a funny little quirk, very much like Buck. When he wants to go out, he goes to the back door and puts his right paw on the single step, then lifts his left leg as if knocking on the door. When we see it, we go over and open the door. He quickly charges out, UNLESS it’s raining, then he knocks you over turning around to get back inside! It is amazing how long he can hold it when it’s raining!

Max has a long walk

Max n M         When I got ready to go for a run on Saturday, who should come sit beside me? haha Max seems to eager to come for a run! We did take Max to the Watershed on Saturday, but not for a run! We had lots of comments about how people liked to see Max trucking about, so we did another short movie.

This one is on one of the lower trails. When the movie starts, we’re already about 4 or 5 minutes into the park, after descending a rather steep trail. We have him on a retractable lead, and just let him go at his own pace. Which ever trail he picked, we let him, except the ones I knew were too steep!

As you can see, Max is moving really well. He’s curious about things, and handled meeting other dogs really well. He had had a really long outing,  walked over 45 minutes! So he has stamina too. He even did some slow speed running today too – we just couldn’t hold him back!

We are having a really nice fall. The almanacs say we’re due for a mild winter. Not exactly what the Olympic organizers hoped for I imagine.

Anyway, got your popcorn ready? Enjoy the movie!

Re-blooming Roses

Vancouver, from Grouse Mtn It’s been a weird year, weather-wise. Summer was late arriving, but we’re hoping that we’ll have a nice Indian Summer (is it still ok to say that??)

The picture of the roses I took this morning. All three rose bushes out front are re-blooming. But this one is kind of cool, since it has so many colors. It’s also very fragrant! Not sure when smell-inet is coming!

Our roses in second bloomMax is very spry today. He actually walked down the steps from upstairs, something he has not even attempted before today. He usually waits at the top of the stairs, one paw in the air, until I carry him downstairs. Not today though – he charged right down the stairs.

He’s definitely getting better! And the more we read about this, the more we’re thinking he’s in the clear. It seems that re-occurences are very rare. So if he can keep going on as he is, by Christmas he’ll have forgotten what happened!

I even think we might be able to run again! (Not that I can at the moment lol – my stupid knee is causing me some problems. It usually “clicks back” in a day or two, but I’ve been limping for nearly a week.)

Hope you are all doing as well as Max!

Monday, so it must be the Watershed

Max and I went for a nice long walk in the watershed today. I started him on the nice flat section, and he was really eager to go. Yesterday, he got tired quite quickly, after about 50 meters.

Max recovering nicelyBut not today! I hardly touched his harness, because he simply didn’t need my help. He even ran a bit on his own, without me running, or urging him. He just wanted to go! He’d look at every path, as if wondering if we should be turning. I let him go where ever he wanted, and he wanted to go for quite a while.

He didn’t seem tired when we finished our walk, but he’s come home and slept since. lol

Anyway – it’s all good. Nice weather, nice walk, nice day.

Added this comment on Wednesday…
(UMMMM – It’s actually TUESDAY! Nice try…)

After the Watershed

Max in the watershed We took Max for a stroll in the Watershed Park. He perked up as we approached the park, which I kind of figured he would. We have a harness for strapping him into the car, and it worked like a charm to help support him. I just kept some tension on the harness and let him walk at his own pace.

As soon as we opened the door, he was up and eager to get out and go! We took him as far as he felt like. When he felt like turning around, I let him. It’s wasn’t a huge walk, but hey, he got out and saw that he could do it. So that’s all positive.

Pam took a movie, and I’ve stuck it on the end of this message. You can see that awkward foot, but we’re going to keep at it. I’m hopeful he’ll keep coming along.