Mar 27 Radiation Treatments done so far 8/25

Well it has been a few days since I put a post in about the radiation treatments. So far, I think I am doing pretty well. I have had 8 treatments and have 17 more to go. They do them Mon-Fri except on holidays. The set up is what takes the most time, they have to position you in just the right spot exactly, and I have to be put in the mould they made me before the treatments started. It takes some time to set up, but once the radiation starts, it’s only a couple of minutes. I would say from arriving in the cancer center, to leaving is about 30-40 min each day, depending on if they are on time. Sometimes it’s behind schedule as the machine is finicky in the area I am in and gives them grief sometimes.

I saw the radioncologist friday and she examined me.. she thought everything was looking good so far. No skin breakdown. I am having some burning sensation on the skin, but it’s more like a mild sunburn at this point. There is a darkening of the nipple on one side (sorry if TMI, but it’s a truthful accounting of what is going on.) but so far nothing to bad. I have been told symptoms can worsen around end of week 2.. so I’m not quite there yet.

Maurice has taken me to all radiation treatments but on Thursday Maggie came in, and sat with me while I waited my turn to be on the machine. She was allowed to come in the room while they set me up (I asked if she could and they said sure) and so she saw them mark me up with their pens, position me exactly so… and then they all left the room and the radiation started. She was allowed to be in the room with all of the monitors and the techs explained what they were doing, how the radiation was directed etc, and she said she found it interesting. 🙂
