April 18th 2011 – Monday

Today was my 24th/25 radiation treatment. One more to go!

I think I’m doing pretty good. My skin is getting more sensitive as the days go on. Right after the treatment my skin is fairly reddened but it gradually subsides during the day so that it is looking more darker than the other side, but the last week or so it’s been feeling more sunburnt for longer. I am having some pain especially under the right breast, the crease is inflammed and reddened but no large weeping areas. The bra certainly is a gift and a curse, as it holds the girls in place but it also can cause some rubbing on sensitive burnt skin.   I do believe that I have different skin type than most people as I rarely do burn, and have a great ability to tan. The Dr’s are impressed with how my skin has held up thusfar. I’ve been impressed too, but I’ve been religious about slathering on the moisturizer 2x a day and I am putting some hydrocortisone cream under the breast along the inflamed area.

One thing they did advise this last week, was to do saline soaked wraps of the right breast. I guess they thought week 5 it would be the worse. I am not doing that, because I feel saline (salt water) on a burnt skin can dry it out more. Instead I’m doing just cool water wraps and that feels so good. Once you get zapped so many times, you start to feel cooked inside. I know that sounds gross, but it’s the best way I know to describe it. I saw my surgeon Dr Janzen last week and she said my skin looked GREAT. She said most come in with skin that is bright red and burnt ++. Maurice told her I was a good tanner 🙂 hee hee

Tomorrow is my last day of Radiation. The gals at Fraser Valley Cancer Center asked me if I am going to celebrate. I said I didn’t know, I had not thought about it. Cathy, my sister also thought I should celebrate the accomplishment of getting through the radiation. I will have to think about it. My first inclination is to say I’ll celebrate the day after it’s done, by taking a nice walk in one of the many beautiful parks in Surrey. 🙂  Energy levels continue to be an issue.

I saw the onco-radiologist on Friday, and she advised Maggie and I that the fatigue can continue for 2-3 weeks after the radiation. I am glad that my family Dr had the wisdom to recommend my gradual return to work start May 2nd.  🙂
