Juvenile tang

Baby Beach

Baby BeachWe avoided the Boxing Day sales by heading to Baby Beach! Hope you didn’t get crushed in the rush!

Baby Beach has been evolving every year, and this year is no different. They have been adding palapas all along the cove, and there are two snack shacks, and a souvenir vendor who also sells fish food, and snorkel gear. The water itself was different too!

Lotsa fish! They call it “Baby Beach” because it is a protected cove, with very shallow water, over a white sandy bottom. It’s very easy to get into the water, and the shallow portion goes out quite a ways. It’s always a crowded beach, with lots of families. Once you’ve moved out into the deeper water, there is a channel that opens to the ocean, and that channel is full of fish. The picture here is of the numerous types of fish that inhabit the channel. The current is very strong there, and you have to be a pretty good swimmer to battle up the current.

Coral at Baby BeachOnce you are past the first narrows, there are awsome coral formations, inhabited by large black durgons, and huge parrot fish, and lots of other fish too of course. It’s difficult to get good pictures there, because the waves come crashing over the coral, and send everyone for a ride. The crashing waves stir up the water, and make it impossible to get a decent shot.

Yellowtail SnapperWhen you head back into the protected cove, and swim to the opposite end of where you enter the water, there are terrific coral formations, too. We had not really swam to that end before, so were quite surprised by the range of coral formations! We met this rather large fish, about thirty inches or maybe even three feet, who we think is a yellowtail snapper. He was totally fascinated by us.
Juvenile tangHe followed us for the next half hour or more! It was really quite hysterical. He’d follow us, and when we turned to look at him, he’d nip behind a chunk of rock or coral.

Four eyed angel fishBack at the timeshare, we had a drink at Happy Hour – called a Hurricane. It’s made with a pina colada mix, rum, blue curacao and grenadine – looks very colorful and it’s very good! Couple of those, and time for a nap in the sun!

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2 thoughts on “Baby Beach”

  1. Mauriceo

    We look forward to following in your wake in about two months!

    If you can compile (and email to us) a list of “best-ofs” in terms of snorkeling sites, land-lubber tourist attractions and eateries we would be pleased to visit these spots. We would appreciate your thoughts on both Curacao and Aruba.

    All the best for you and Pambo in 2012


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