Bailey's home…

Bailey First a bit of news – we have decided to change Jenny’s name to Bailey. Neither of us thought that Jenny was much of a dog’s name, so we wanted to change it. It turns out that LAPS had simply named her that, it was not the name she has had all her life, so we figured, what the heck? She’s going to be coming into a new situation, so may as well start her with a new name too.

We’ve also renamed the blog, from All about Max to My Dog’s Blog… Not sure I’m entirely comfortable with that, but All about Max didn’t make much sense.

So, anyway, Saturday we picked up Bailey and brought her home with us. LAPS gave us a big bag of food, a huge metal water bowl (so big it holds a GALLON of water!), and some medicine she needs to take. She’s had surgery to ensure she is spayed, so we also got a cone for her head, which she needs to wear when we can’t supervise her.

Once in the house, she sniffed around quite intently at all the places Max used to hang out, but didn’t feel the need to mark her territory, which is a good sign. She ran around checking out the whole house, but waited to go upstairs until we went up there.

Bailey sleepingShe loved the backyard and gave it a good sniff and run. We played some ball with her, and gave her a toy that is quite hilarious. It’s a rubber pig in a football uniform and squeaks. She loved it. Kept tromping on it with her paw to hear it squeak. She’s been carrying it with her since!

After dinner, we went for a nice long walk around the neighbourhood. She got quite a bit of attention from people, but she took the praise like a champ, and didn’t get a big head about it. So, a good start to things.