Hawthorne Park

Two parks with Bailey

Hawthorne ParkBailey has been adapting to her new home quite well. She’s an early riser, though, that’s for sure! She has gotten me up at six, which is about an hour before I’m really ready to get up. I was thinking she needed to go out, but nope, she just wants to get her day started!

Max in Hawthorne ParkWe’ve taken her to a couple of parks and she’s loved it. Hawthorne Park was one of Max’s favorite parks. It has a great big duck pond, and Bailey loved it, too. She wanted to hop down into the pond, but it’s fenced so she tried to sneak under it!

There is also a water park there, and we started up a bunch of the various fountains for her, and she lapped up the water. Pretty funny.

Hawthorne ParkToday (Thursday) I took her for a run through Sunnyside Urban Forest. It’s a great park, with lots of trails through the forest. She is not great at socializing yet – she apparently had a very sheltered first year, and hasn’t had an opportunity to meet a lot of dogs. Well, that’s going to change with us, since we’re always in one park or another.

Today she met a couple big dogs, a Golden/Mastiff cross and something that looked like a short haired Samoyed, both female. She apparently has real issues with female dogs, but both meetings came off very well. I was very pleased with how that went, and not a little surprised too!

In the backyardWe’ve been continuing her daily training, and we’re teaching her a new trick – she is sitting in front of us, and we pretend to get her to come between our legs, but she darts around behind us, and comes through our legs from the rear! It’s darn cute. Hopefully we’ll get it perfected so we can take a movie of it.

Anyway – all is good. Well – not all – she does have a habit of drinking with her mouth quite deep in the water dish, and then dripping all over the place! It’s kinda funny, until you see she has dripped in huge puddles all over the kitchen and stairs leading to the family room! haha


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6 thoughts on “Two parks with Bailey”

  1. I bought one of those harnesses for Rosco Pam but unfortinately it did not work out with his dwarfism. The buckle cut into his arm pit no matter how I tried to adjust it and he could not manage stairs and would not jump up into the bottom of the car…I think it was just a breed specific thing as his arms twist inward….If Bailey can run with the harness then she is comfortable πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Peter,
    It’s an easy walk harness, but I know what you mean πŸ™‚ Mum thinks it’s terrible she has to wear it, but it’s quite safe and helps with correcting her from pulling in a humane way. I’ve taken more pics today, will see about getting some of them either on the blog or to you πŸ™‚

    Today she went to Crescent Park and we had a walk, and M and her had a run. πŸ™‚ she’s lovin the surrey parks alright πŸ™‚

  3. Hey looks like she is doing well if ya post more pics of her with out the pull collar I will show mum. Pam will explain LOL

  4. The funny thing about her name – we never really liked Jenny for a dog, so as we were walking her through the forest for the first time, we were trying all sorts of names out, and when we said Bailey, she turned and looked at us! So really, she picked her own name!

  5. She is looking good..love that frog!
    You haven’t seen pools of water from drinking till you have had Basset hound I assure you. Not a dog for clean freaks. Those massive lips carry a basket full. Sounds like Bailey is making up for her impoverished social life before she came to you. πŸ™‚ I am sure she is quite happy now. Thanks for posting more pictures so I can describe them to mum who always is asking if there are any new ones.Mum wants to know if she is answering to her new name…Cathy

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