Into the fog

In Crescent ParkIt’s been a trying time for us lately. Health issues for both of us are taking up so much of our time. It’s been a drag. And we’re getting to know too many doctors! lol Bailey has been good, but I kind of feel for her because we haven’t been able to get her the exercise she really deserves.

In Crescent ParkSo, today Bailey and I headed out to Crescent Park for a short walk. It’s really foggy in Vancouver, and apparently will be for the next few days. We took a walk up to the duck pond and Bailey was fascinated by them. They would tease her by coming quite close to the shore and then sort of fade back into the middle. You can see the fog in the background of the bigger picture, too.

It was nice to get out and walk around in the park. It was basically deserted. We only met one other person, and she had a nice dog. She and Bailey had a good meeting, lots of tail wagging and play stances. A great sign that she’s not forgotten how to socialize.