Tag Archives: kimkins

Training started for me today

Well, it’s taken me a long time to get my act together, and to commit to getting into shape. Maurice has been really supportive, and knows me. I tend to go gungho and then get crippled up, so baby steps for me. I hope to one day be running like the wind, like M and Maxie do. For now I hobble.

Maurice, Max and I went for a walk tonight. We did a lap around the block to the park and then through the park and back to the house. It could not have been more than a kilometer, but it felt good to get out as a family. I would like to gradually work up to doing an hour a day, but for now, baby steps and 10 minutes.

Tomorrow I’m aiming for 15 min walk, and  Wednesday, Canada day, if the pool is open, I will go for a work out and swim. I’m doing this. I would like to lose 40-50 pounds by Christmas. I’m doing Kimkins, a low carb diet, and I’ve set a goal for myself to lose 15 pounds in 30 days. Well Mondays are my official weigh in, so I can tell you that  in the first week I’ve lost 5.5 pounds, so it’s doable.

I just need to make some lifestyle changes and not lose focus. I want to keep my eye on the prize. I’ve bought a bathing suit that’s about 4 sizes too small, and I’m going wear it on our next winter holiday. 🙂

…Pam… Day 1: 10 min walk