Tag Archives: walk

Training started for me today

Well, it’s taken me a long time to get my act together, and to commit to getting into shape. Maurice has been really supportive, and knows me. I tend to go gungho and then get crippled up, so baby steps for me. I hope to one day be running like the wind, like M and Maxie do. For now I hobble.

Maurice, Max and I went for a walk tonight. We did a lap around the block to the park and then through the park and back to the house. It could not have been more than a kilometer, but it felt good to get out as a family. I would like to gradually work up to doing an hour a day, but for now, baby steps and 10 minutes.

Tomorrow I’m aiming for 15 min walk, and  Wednesday, Canada day, if the pool is open, I will go for a work out and swim. I’m doing this. I would like to lose 40-50 pounds by Christmas. I’m doing Kimkins, a low carb diet, and I’ve set a goal for myself to lose 15 pounds in 30 days. Well Mondays are my official weigh in, so I can tell you that  in the first week I’ve lost 5.5 pounds, so it’s doable.

I just need to make some lifestyle changes and not lose focus. I want to keep my eye on the prize. I’ve bought a bathing suit that’s about 4 sizes too small, and I’m going wear it on our next winter holiday. 🙂

…Pam… Day 1: 10 min walk

Something about Max!

I just wanted to say a few words in praise of Max. He looks to be about Buck’s size, but now that I’ve lived with him for a while, I see he is much smaller. He is very quick, and light on his feet. You can’t really hear him, but you know he’s there.

He likes to greet me when I get home with a physical greeting. He does things like pushing his head into the back of my knees as I walk! When he comes at me from the front, he runs into my legs… as I type it, it sounds silly, or he’s blind or something! But it’s very endearing, it’s clear he’s trying to get close.

He’s got this great trick of throwing this rubber play bone or a ball back to you. He goes and gets it, tosses it on the way back, then tosses it over to you. Quite funny.

He likes a hug good night… he comes on the bed for a hug, then goes an lays on his blanket – Pam has tried and tried to get him to stay, but nope, a hug and last couple of days a scratch or two, but he still gets off. When he curls up, he can look very small.

We go for a walk every morning at 7, and he’s waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. When i sit on the steps to put on my shoes, he sits beside me, putting his bum on the top step, and his front legs on the step lower. It’s really cute – I’ll have to get Pam to take a pic of it.

He’s a small guy, but he has tons of spirit. I’m really glad we have him in our lives.