Tag Archives: playful

Max is HOME!

Day One for MaxMax is home. It took a little longer than anticipated, because traffic was a nightmare! We were late getting there, and late getting home. But he’s finally here. He was a great dog in the car – just laid down in the backseat and took ‘er easy… when we slowed to a stop, he got up to look, but never made a fuss.

We dropped Pam off at the train, then came on home. I’ve put some food and water out, and he took a drink and ate a little. He’s been sniffing quite a bit at Buck’s favorite spots, but he doesn’t seem to mind a bit that another dog was here.

I gave him a tennis ball, and he actually THROWS it back to you! Now how about that!? He even throws it in the air, and catches it! Man, Buck got the ball and never wanted to give it back! I think Max and I will be playing a lot of ball! (Did I use enough exclamation points in that paragraph??)

Anyway – here’s a picture of him in the house for the first time.

He’s very well behaved. A real charmer… Everywhere I’ve gone, he’s come with me. I think he likes me! :)Maurice