Tag Archives: sleep

Saturday Morning

Max Sleeping - first day homeMax had his first night in his new home. I put his bed at the foot of our bed. I called him up on our bed, and he came, but would only sit. Tried to get him to lay down, but he didn’t want to.

He left after a couple minutes. He lay in the hall for a bit then went downstairs.

He likes to lay with his back to the stairs, that’s for sure. I think he slept the night in the family room, where there are two beds for him to choose from.

Anyway – here is a video from YouTube of Carolyn and Rookie – if you can watch this and NOT smile, chuckle or say awwwww – then you’re one tough bastard.

The part where Rookie puts his paw on her hip is so sweet…. Someone sent me this video a long time ago, with the Subject Line: Tell People this is BUCK! lol Buck was that goofy, that’s for sure! He loved to run through your legs like Rookie does at the beginning of the video.