Today we took Bailey to Green Timbers Park, in North Surrey. It’s a very large park, with several sections divided by some of the main roads. I really like this one section, north of 100th Avenue. It’s a small section of really cool forest, that is sort of spooky. It’s a very densely packed
area, with lots of huge trees, and tons of undergrowth. Lush ferns cover the earth, and moss drips from the trees. There are bridges that span swampy bits, and narrow trails zigzag through the dense foliage.
Bailey had a great time, heading from one side of the trail to the other, checking out the interesting smells. We’re going to have to get a video up of her walking. She’s quite hysterical, running from one side of the trail to the other, searching for the next best smell!
Pam took lots of shots and there are a couple of cute ones. She loves this commercial of a dog with his head out the window, his mouth billowing open. So she got this one of Bailey doing the same thing.
This is a shot I took of Bailey relaxing at home. It seems she’s settling in quite nicely!