Category Archives: All About Max

Sunday March 13th

Well today was a crack of dawn moment. Sunday of all days, I had to be at Surrey Memorial Hospital to have a liver Ultrasound done. I am not 1000% sure why they ordered it, but I suspect, that it, along with bone scan I had last tuesday are to look for any signs of metastasis. That is my theory and I’m sticking with it until I hear otherwise.

The Ultrasound was alright. A fellow did it, and he had been doing the job for 10 yrs (I always grill people to see how long they have done what they are doing hee hee) and he did the Liver (had me take deep breaths in and hold it, then he marked off liver edges, and I could expel the breath. We did that dance about 15 times or so. When they do an ultrasound, they put a gel on your skin and use a probe, like a big round computer mouse looking thing to press in over the organ, so it can show up on the screen. He also did my gallbladder, and kidneys, seemed to be pancreas and then ovaries as well. I thought it was a Liver US but perhaps it was actually an abdominal one, as he seemed to be looking at organs on both sides of abd. Took about 15 minutes and I was out of there. ๐Ÿ™‚ Home to a nice cuppa coffee.

Maurice was swell and got me up for the appointment. I had set the alarm, but he came in the room at 0600 and let me know it was really 0700 because of daylight savings time! I would have totally missed my appointment, if left to my own devices. He drove me to the hospital and then waited nearby for me to give him the call I was done, and brought me back home safe and sound. Thx sweetie!:)

Next thing for me? I have to get some fasting blood work done at the lab near family Dr’s office either Monday or Tuesday, and then radiation starts Wednesday for 5 weeks, and it will be a monday-friday thing. I’ve been tattooed where the boundaries are they will be zapping, so I’m almost done all of the tests that needed to happen, and hoops that needed jumping, before getting this radiation going.

As an aside, I saw family Dr on thursday, and she gave me some abx for a respiratory infection I’ve been fighting since about Feb 24th and today my throat is much less sore, YAY!!! though I’m still coughing and bringing up stuff, I am starting to feel less drug through a wringer ๐Ÿ™‚


Hawthorne Park

New at Hawthorne ParkWe went for a short walk around Hawthorne Park. Pam’s recovering nicely, and she’s eager to get back out into the sunshine. We had an incredible rain storm here on Saturday, but today (Sunday) was very nice, sunny and warm.

Max in Hawthorne ParkMax gets a kick out of Hawthorne Park because it has a large duck pond, and he always gets crazy, trying to chase them. After his dunking in Green Timbers, we were wondering if he was going to dive in after the ducks at this park. He chased them, but he didn’t enter the water! Guess he learned his lesson!

Hawthorne hydrangeaThey are doing a lot of work on Hawthorne Park. There are a lot of paths blocked off by fencing, and they seem to be adding crushed rock to the paths. It will be really nice when they are done, because some of the paths are quite muddy in the winter rainy season.

Hawthorne riverThey have put in a “dry” river bed, with these large metal sculptures, in various colors, of cattails. I’m not sure if they intend to bring water to the river bed, but it’s looking good so far.

Nice fall day

SpiderIt’s hard to believe how quickly the time has slipped away. I guess all the visits to the doctor has made the days all run together. It’s almost time to start putting up some Halloween decorations! Bunny in Bear CreekHere’s a picture I took of a spider, using the macro mode with the Panasonic Lumix. He actually was a fairly good sized spider though!

We’ve been having some pretty nice weather lately, with some nice warm fall days. We went wandering around Bear Creak Park and we snapped this picture of Max posing with the topiary bears. Looking sharp eh?

We even saw a little bunny running around too. We had Max on a leash, or he would have been chasing him, that’s for sure!

Max IN the lake!

At Green TimbersHere is a little video we took with the new Panasonic camera. We were at Green Timbers park, and we’ve often gone to the little lake there. Max always charges the ducks in the water, but he has never actually put his foot in the water. As soon as he feels the damp, he chickens out.

Well, today was different! As you can see from the picture, he splashed a little into the water, so I started the camera, and this is what happened next! This Panasonic also has a much better audio capability than the old Olympus camera. It records in DOLBY sound, and you can definitely hear the difference.

New camera shots

Pam and MaxWe’ve picked up a new camera for our yearly Caribbean excursion, and we’re test driving it around town this week. After doing a lot of research we decided on the Panasonic Lumix TS2, which has a lot of features, along with an underwater mode.

BlackberryWe went up to Tynehead Regional park hoping to see some salmon in the streams, but no salmon have shown up yet. Not sure why – I thought they would be here by now.

It was a nice fall day, warm and a little humid. The picture of Pam and Max was in the offleash section of the park.

The camera has an interesting macro mode, allowing you to be within just a couple centimeters of item and still focus well. I want to experiment with that, so that hopefully our fish pictures will be better this year when we are in Aruba and Curacao.

GrasshopperThere is a High Definition movie mode that is really amazing. I’m looking for a converter to get them on the web in high-def, but I haven’t found a good one yet. When I do, I’ll put a movie up. It really is a remarkable feature of the camera! The movies are truly amazing.

New Look

On the Chickadee LoopWhen we were in Calgary for my Dad’s 80th, my sister gave us a little present for Max.

Max had been staying with Anna-Maria, our wonderful dog sitter while we drove to Calgary. She had taken him for a walk and he kinda overdid it, so we haven’t taken him out for a couple days. We’ve let him recuperate at home, but yesterday he seemed ready and eager to get out and about.

Max's new scarfWe took him down to our “fave park of the minute,” Sunnyside Acres Urban Forest, and we took a spin around Chickadee Loop trail.

Doesn’t he look sharp in his new outfit? I think he was getting tired of the green scarf! haha It’s a cool kinda scarf – it has a plastic snap clasp like a lot of dog collars, so it’s even easier to “tie on.”

Max says “woof woof!” Which apparently translates to “Thanks eh? Makes me look sharp!”