Sunday March 13th

Well today was a crack of dawn moment. Sunday of all days, I had to be at Surrey Memorial Hospital to have a liver Ultrasound done. I am not 1000% sure why they ordered it, but I suspect, that it, along with bone scan I had last tuesday are to look for any signs of metastasis. That is my theory and I’m sticking with it until I hear otherwise.

The Ultrasound was alright. A fellow did it, and he had been doing the job for 10 yrs (I always grill people to see how long they have done what they are doing hee hee) and he did the Liver (had me take deep breaths in and hold it, then he marked off liver edges, and I could expel the breath. We did that dance about 15 times or so. When they do an ultrasound, they put a gel on your skin and use a probe, like a big round computer mouse looking thing to press in over the organ, so it can show up on the screen. He also did my gallbladder, and kidneys, seemed to be pancreas and then ovaries as well. I thought it was a Liver US but perhaps it was actually an abdominal one, as he seemed to be looking at organs on both sides of abd. Took about 15 minutes and I was out of there. 🙂 Home to a nice cuppa coffee.

Maurice was swell and got me up for the appointment. I had set the alarm, but he came in the room at 0600 and let me know it was really 0700 because of daylight savings time! I would have totally missed my appointment, if left to my own devices. He drove me to the hospital and then waited nearby for me to give him the call I was done, and brought me back home safe and sound. Thx sweetie!:)

Next thing for me? I have to get some fasting blood work done at the lab near family Dr’s office either Monday or Tuesday, and then radiation starts Wednesday for 5 weeks, and it will be a monday-friday thing. I’ve been tattooed where the boundaries are they will be zapping, so I’m almost done all of the tests that needed to happen, and hoops that needed jumping, before getting this radiation going.

As an aside, I saw family Dr on thursday, and she gave me some abx for a respiratory infection I’ve been fighting since about Feb 24th and today my throat is much less sore, YAY!!! though I’m still coughing and bringing up stuff, I am starting to feel less drug through a wringer 🙂


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3 thoughts on “Sunday March 13th”

  1. Thanks to both of you. That is a good idea the visualization. I used to do that alot with healing touch when I worked in the hospital. I have used it on myself in the past, and in fact did use it when diagnosed with the cancer, imagining a wall forming around the tumour, not letting it spread etc. I think I built the wall to late though as a few cells escaped. 🙂 I’ll try again with the light.

  2. Hi Pam,

    Glad another thing is behind you….best to know and be sure than to worry. Best of luck with the radiation. I hope you can visualize it as a good and erradicating thing.flood yourself with positive white light…a bit of insurance..I hope you cope with the treatments but allow your self moments where you don’t have to be a rock because you’re not. We will be thinking of you everyday back home..XXOO Cathy

  3. you’ve been thru such a huge ordeal in recent weeks Pam……. physically, and Emotionally as well……. let’s hope your Body is tough and strong and will be able to cope with the next several weeks so you can be Healthy and back to normal very soon :o)

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