Category Archives: For Buck

Saturday Morning

Max Sleeping - first day homeMax had his first night in his new home. I put his bed at the foot of our bed. I called him up on our bed, and he came, but would only sit. Tried to get him to lay down, but he didn’t want to.

He left after a couple minutes. He lay in the hall for a bit then went downstairs.

He likes to lay with his back to the stairs, that’s for sure. I think he slept the night in the family room, where there are two beds for him to choose from.

Anyway – here is a video from YouTube of Carolyn and Rookie – if you can watch this and NOT smile, chuckle or say awwwww – then you’re one tough bastard.

The part where Rookie puts his paw on her hip is so sweet…. Someone sent me this video a long time ago, with the Subject Line: Tell People this is BUCK! lol Buck was that goofy, that’s for sure! He loved to run through your legs like Rookie does at the beginning of the video.

Blog Post – Thursday

Tommorrow we get Max. I’m taking the afternoon off so I can make sure we get him home.

I feel slightly guilty that we’re bringing home a new boy already, but I simply can’t go on with this void in my heart, and my life. The mornings have been especially painful for me… Buck and I had breakfast together, went for a walk together and generally started our day together.  I really miss him.

I’m nervous about Max too – the Chow requires a strong Alpha Male presence, and I hope I’m up for it!

Thanks to every one for the emails, cards and flowers. They really meant a lot to us.


The BIG Snowfall

The backyard November 2006 Day 1Out the Kitchen windowThis is the view out our kitchen window, toward the neighbour’s house. As you can see, we’re not quite as green as usual!

And it’s still falling!

Well here we are in a snow storm again! I blame the tree-huggers here in Vancouver who are adamantly opposed to Global Warming – so we wind up with this stuff falling! It is still coming down and the snow has gotten deeper!

Buck, November 2006

Buck may not be as spry as he once was, but he still loves the snow.

Never could figure that one out, since he hates to get his paws wet. But he sure loves to be out in the snow!


Shed-day-2-Nov-2006Day 2 of the Big snowstorm of November 2006. The snow is still coming down, and it has more than doubled the amount we got! Take a look at those photos! Wow – who knew you’d get snow like this in Vancouver!?