Tag Archives: Fraser River

On the river

In the morning, Bailey and I take a little walk along the Fraser River. There are lots of ducks, Canada geese, eagles, herons – just what you’d expect along a river near the coast, of course.

Great Blue HeronToday, was very bright, and the river was very calm. Standing on a log, this Great Blue Heron was amazingly well camouflaged. As soon as I turned on the camera, it started to move, and the sun was so bright, I really couldn’t figure out where it was in the view finder. When I got home and viewed the film, I see I managed to capture the bird grabbing breakfast!

Winter's coming?

Cool manhole coverWe are loving the area, loving the swimming pool, and loving the hot tub! Not sure if this manhole cover is typical for Vancouver or not, or whether this a River District thing, but look closely and you’ll see frogs in a kind of Native Indian style.

Big tugs and tiny boatsThe river is quite a fascinating thing for us – we’ve seen amazing stuff, from HUGE containers coming up the river, to tiny little boats doing I have no idea what. The views of Mt Baker continue to impress us.

Every day something new and exciting is happening. The so-called king tides didn’t come up as high as I expected, but the low tides were really low.

Lots of lovely parks – including three off leash parks – within walking distance too. We used to gas up the car once a week, but now it’s more like once every three weeks.

Our new neighbourhood

The PhoenixWednesday the final pod arrives and once it is unpacked, we will be officially moved in! The first picture is of our new building, named the Phoenix, as viewed from the park by the Fraser river where we often take Bailey for her daily stroll.

FREE Pooch ParkingThe River District is part of a planned community with many amenities a couple of years away. However, there is a distinct feel to the neighbourhood. We’ve been welcomed to this area by so many people, it’s hard to believe. Even Bailey feels welcome – check out the free parking and free water for the dogs!

A view of the riverIt’s a working river, for sure, with lots of tugs towing various vessels and big log booms up and down the channel. Here a big heron gets a look at the area from atop a big piling.

Bailey watches the riverBailey never gets tired of checking out the river. If I let her get close enough, she jumps right in. There are other parks, but we haven’t ventured far yet.