Quick update

Scottsdale Vet        We took Max down to the vet on Friday afternoon. Dr Llewellyn had told us to watch him closely once we stopped the steroids, to see if Max had any difficulty. He has not improved since we stopped the steroids, I’d have to say that.

He’s still a very playful guy. He’s found a road hockey ball that he gets a great kick out of throwing around. Maybe we should train him to throw it when the Canucks score! First few games he wouldn’t have got much exercise tho…

But, he doesn’t have full control of his left front paw, even though he can get around. We’ll give him another go at the steroids. Maybe we can advance him a bit more. We’ll have to keep him from running, so we’ll curtail our visits to the big parks.

At any rate, Max is doing well. Don’t worry about him. He’s mobile. He’s not very steady on his feet sometimes, but you should see me trying to walk these days! haha No really, he’s not as frisky as he was before all this happened, but he was a “senior dog” when we got him. We knew life would happen. ๐Ÿ™‚ He’s warm and well fed and loved! And he seems ok with that.