BC Day

We arrived at Surrey Memorial Hospital at the recommended time of 7:15 for a 7:45 appointment. They got Pam in quickly, before her time, and was finished with her radioactive dye before 7:50. We then had a brief break while the dye took hold for some pictures. We tried to get in on a few Keno games, but the lotto booth doesn’t open til 10! hah

She took good pictures, so they threw her out and told her to head up to radiology to get a wire installed, the better to track her in case she got lost in the hospital – oh wait – it’s not that kind of wire! It was basically fishing for cancer cells, and they got it on the hook first crack.

Then off to mammography for another series of pictures. Those turned out too, so off we went to the surgery waiting room. We got here around 10:45 or so. It’s lovely and peaceful here, listening to Judge Joe Brown screaming at the defendants. Sigh – surely they could put something better on – like hockey highlights or something!

Pam is scheduled for surgery at 2 pm, so we’ve got a while to wait. Hopefully things will be on time and she won’t have to wait here forever. Although we do need to know how the lawsuit turned out…

UPDATE: The nurse has come by at 11:45 to admit her for the surgery. I’m not sure what that means, but I guess they’ll be putting her in a hospital bed soon? We’ll see in a few minutes I guess!

UPDATE 2: She has come back (12:15) and told me she has taken her pre-op meds. The surgery will probably be early, about 1:30. the surgery will take about one hour, and then about 45 minutes in recovery. She should be able to go home about four pm or so.

Proceeding well at this point! Pam’s friend, Maggie, has arrived to lend moral support.

UPDATE 3: So the nurse finally came for Pam at 2:10 – so much for an early start! Roughly two hours to go – one for the surgery, one for recovery. Not sure if they will let us go into the recovery.

UPDATE 4: It is 3:45 and Pam is out of surgery. She is in the recovery room. We’re not allowed to see her yet, and we don’t know how the surgery went. At least we know she made it out of surgery alive! I’m not sure when she entered surgery yet, or what time she came out. She should be awake enough to come out of the recovery room around 4:10. We’re just waiting.

UPDATE 5: It’s now 4:45 and still no sign of Pam. There haven’t been any code blue calls, so I’m not in a panic – – – YET! Not sure what the hold up is, and I don’t really want to nag the nurses, but if she isn’t back by 5, I’m going to go see what’s up!

UPDATE 6: We got into see Pam about 5:20 or so. She seemed a tad groggy, but otherwise fine. We don’t know anything about the surgery really, until the report comes back from the pathologist. I’ll let Pam explain about that.

We got home around 7:30 and she is resting, somewhat comfortably. She thanks everyone for the best wishes.