Breast Cancer post op – update

Had my surgery, and am doing alright. Typing with left hand isn’t easy, so M’s been doing most of the blog posts etc. I heard from Surgeon’s office today. I am to see her on Jan 20th for the pathology/staging/follow up visit.  I am hoping that everything has been caught in time and that it hasn’t spread to the lymph, but need to wait to find out.

At this point I am still hopeful. I feel like it’s been caught pretty quick (8x7x6mm) and saw Surgeon quickly (dec 23rd) and had surgery in a timely manner  Jan 11th .. had the sentinel node biopsy done.. so I believe we’ve done all we can do at this point.

I’ve emptied the davol once this AM and will empty it again. I think once my 24 hr total is less than 24 cc’s it can come out…  that’s what Dr told me before surgery anyways. 🙂

I have spent today pretty much being catered to. M’s been wonderful bringing me everything I need. He’s a great nurse. 🙂 Better than me, I think. 🙂 I’ve been in recliner since I got up, and nodding off and on all day. I’m keeping myself pretty drugged up today, and am taking a tyl # 3 every 3 hrs. Pain scale is about 1-2 when not moving, when sitting in recliner with right arm propped up. Pain level is 4-5 when I try to move. It is manageable. I think it will feel alot better once the drain comes out.. maybe a couple more days. Have not heard from the homecare nurse. I have their # . i’ll continue to drain my own davol twice a day, and when drainage is less and drain ready to come out, I’ll give them a call.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed me, phoned, or replied on the blog. I appreciate the support and friendship. 🙂


Update on Pam

Pam had a pretty restful night. She says her armpit hurts more than the breast. That’s from the lymph removal, rather than the cancer removal. She has some “glowing” from the radioactive dye they injected. She’s got her arm propped up with a pillow to keep the pressure off the arm, and it’s helping.

She tried to type, but one handed was frustrating for her! haha Guess I can out-type her with one arm tied behind her back!

She’s drained her “davol” once – it’s a tube to take away blood away from the incision area. She’s taken only a couple pain pills, so she’s doing well. She’s having a nap. Max is laying beside her, snoring away! haha

We got a big dump of snow – around five inches or so. So there’s a nice white covering over everything! We used to be able to say we don’t get much snow here, but last few years we’ve seen snow several times a year.