Wednesday night

Max is resting comfortably outside. His rear leg seems to have a little more strength today. His front is not good, but if his back can keep improving, his mobility will be difficult, but not impossible.

He got up and tried to walk a few times today. That is so very encouraging. I was in despair because he seemed to be just not caring enough to get up. But i think maybe i was rushing things. I do hope we can continue to see improvement every day.

He is so alert, so bright. It’s nice to see that his mind is clear, and his vision is good. There has been no muscle involvement with his face at all. So maybe it was not a stroke? Who knows. We might have to do the MRI. It’s pricey, (1500-2000) but I think I need to KNOW what it is. You can’t make informed decisions if you don’t know what it is you are deciding!

I sure hope things continue as well tomorrow!

Wednesday Morning

Max is giving us reason for optimism. He has dragged himself around the house a little. Nothing major, but it’s a good sign he’s TRYING! His left front leg is the most gimped, but the rear one he seems to be working a little harder with… it’s something anyway. At least he is ready to try to get moving again! He seemed willing to not even try to move yesterday.

It makes me so happy to see him making the effort! He is alert, and when I came downstairs this morning (Pam took the “night shift” sitting up with him) he started to wag his tail, which has not been all that active! That was good to see too.

We’ve been putting a harness under his chest and supporting him to try and get him to walk, and he’s made an effort, but just won’t do his “business” outside (or inside!). So if doesn’t do something soon, we’ll have to take him back to the vet for “draining!”

But, I’m a little more hopeful today.

Max update Wed 4:39 am

Max has had a pretty restless night, it’s been difficult as he’s been whining and I am not sure if he’s crying because he’s frustrated and doesn’t know what’s happening or if he’s in pain, he’s relaxed at the moment. I had to get M up to help get Max outside to try to pee as he has not done a thing since his catheter this AM around 9AM, and it’s now 4:40 ish… not good. He’s drinking, we’ve been able to give him a big bowl and  a half of water. He’s eating, and that’s good. He is trying to walk, so his spirits are still good. He stood beside me tonight balancing on his hind leg and leaning on the chair, but the limb with the biggest deficit seems to be his left front paw.. it’s almost contractured looking and we have to keep straightening it out and doing range of motion with him, which we have been doing alot. We are also taking him outside every 2-3 hrs to try to get him to go.. but nothing yet.  🙁   He’s alert and looking around.. he crawled over to where I was sitting and has gone to sleep now.. Maybe he just wanted to be closer to me but I suspected his gaze was at the kitchen and that he wanted more food.. so I gave him more metical canned hypoallergenic… he settled… finally at 4:40 , he settled for a bit.

Maurice and I are not used to looking after a dog that is this seriously ill, and he requires 24/7 watching. We do not want him to injure himself and fall downstairs or into things… it’s really hard to watch him struggle and fall. Hard to try to figure out why he’s crying… I know he’s our fur baby, but it’s really ripping us up to watch him like this. I hope we see some improvement soon. Maurice is going to do the day shift so I am sure he’ll put in a report/update.

hopeful signs: good appetite, drinking water. trying to get up , looking around, now wagging his tail when we come over.

disturbing signs: contracture in left front paw, left sided paralysis, has not pee’d or pooped. 🙁  I think he has a fever…his nose feels hot, as do his ears, and he’s panting. I’ve got fans on and the door open.. and MY hoodie on so I don’t freeze!

We want to thank everyone who has called and emailed us. It means alot to us to have friends and family  like you that care about our boy. Thanks alot everyone. We are clinging to our vet’s advice (Dr Shawn Llewellyn) from Scottsdale Veterinary Hospital) advise to wait and watch and see if he gets his strength back, if the steroids will help him. We want to give him the chance, he’s a great dog and deserves the chance.