Max update: Sunday Sept 6th 1:30 pm

Max had a pretty good night. I didn’t sleep all that well even though I was in my own bed, I ended up drifting but waking every hour or so as he shifted or moved, I was worried he had gotten into an awkward position with his left paw … not to worry, he did great. No pee’s or poops during the night.

M got him up when he got up at 0600 and took him out and he pee’d.  still no poop today so I’m hopeful the diarrhea is slowing or over.. PLEASE let it be done!

Today was M’s day to do the grouse grind and he and Michelle completed it. M left the house to meet Michelle at around 8 AM, and about 8:20 Max tried to get up and come towards me.. I felt a warm glow inside thinking he wanted to be near me…   NOPE… he wanted up the 3 stairs to the kitchen area, and he hung a left and we walked to the door, and he promptly sat down at the top of the stairs, Waiting for Maurice!  I went to the front door and opened it and asked him if he needed to go out? he got up and we made it down 2 stairs and he stood their looking at where the car should be… Maurice wasn’t there.. so there was nothing for it but to wait.. so he plunked his rear down on the cement, and the vigil began… we waited for 3.5 hrs or so.. for the first 2 hrs each car that came by, he would lift his head and look… after 2 hrs, he didn’t lift his head any more.. he seemed sad..   I knew M was on his way home, but Max got up and turned to the house to go back in…  we went inside and to the top of the stairs, and M pulled in the driveway.. we had just gotten inside.  The neighbours were giving Max and me the fisheye as they looked at the pair of us sitting out on the stoop, but to heck with them.. 🙂

When M walked Max back into the family room, we saw him take 3 normal steps with his left front paw.. things ARE looking up, and we continue to marvel and the leaps and bounds our boy is making. GO MAX GO! Many thanks to those who are emailing or phoning to see how Max is doing, and who are reading our blog. We all appreciate your support.

Company is coming in 3 hrs or so, I’ve got a few more things to do around the house, will give another update tomorrow. We will try Maxie in our room again tonight, with the door closed so he can’t wobble out to the stairs and fall.  he was good as gold last night and today. I think he’s depressed when Maurice is not with him… as soon as he came home, all was right in Max’s world.