Saturday Sept 5th 10:45 pm Max update

Well we took him out and he only pee’d.. we are going to try and see how he does tonight sleeping upstairs with us, we gave him his pain med, he settled so well last night we are hoping that tonight he will do the same. We’ve not seen any Bowel movement yet today so hopefully the diarrhea is slowing.. we have pads upstairs in case,  if we catch it in time, fingers crossed! I know.. TMI (to much information) but it’s a part of what we are dealing with here.

Tonight, i broke down when he came back in the house, I saw him use his left front paw for a few steps, so it’s given me the lift I needed. I don’t know if it was sheer coincidence or not, but he looked like he was using it…

Anyways, he’s got his bed upstairs and it’s in the spot he usually sleeps in. I know I’m not really going to get much sleep tonight, but i miss being with Maurice and so we need to try this, it’s too hard the other way. So as a family, we sleep upstairs tonight! Wish us luck.

Tomorrow M and his friend Michelle are tackling the grouse grind, GOOD LUCK YOU TWO!  and I’ll stay home with Maxie. Karen, Dick and Nick arrive later in the day so thats nice we will be able to see them. 🙂 Life can sure change in a heartbeat, and this is one more confirmation that you need to live your life to the fullest because you never know when something like this can strike you…  well, enough of my musings, I’m off to join the guys upstairs.


Saturday – 10:30 am

Max looking sharpPam tells me Max had a restful night. The vet gave us some pain pills for him, so we gave him one last night and he had a good sleep. He ate a nice breakfast, too and got his meds.

This morning, it’s raining, which he hates. When he was healthy, he’d come over to the door, and raise his paw to let us know he wanted out. We’d open the door, and he’d charge out, but as soon as he’d see the rain, he’d slam on the brakes and run back in the house! Made of sugar!

I just took him for a squirt; he was reluctant to go on the wet grass lol. But his rear leg is amazing today. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but he’s walking normally on it! When he balances, he puts it in a strange way I haven’t seen him do previously, but it works!

When I brought him back in, there are 3 beds in here, so I put him in the middle of them, and let him chose which he wanted. He’s decided to lay on none of them! Crazy guy.

My sister Karen arrives tomorrow, with her husband and son. They have not met Max. I’m hoping he doesn’t get too stressed over it. He’s not the best with ‘strangers’ at the best of times. Maybe we’ll give him some St. John’s Wort and see if we can calm his nerves! haha

Anyways, he’s good today. All positive!