Max's first Vet Visit

Scottsdale Vet        Today Max is going to go see the Vet for his check up. When we got Max from the SPCA, he came with a certificate that gives us a free Vet check up, and so he will be going today as we have to get him seen within 3 business days of picking him up. Because he is such a good walker, we are going to walk over to the vets together he and I and we will meet Dr Peter together. According to the previous owners he is good at the vets, so we shall see!

Max is up to date on his : distemper / hepatitis / adenovirus / parvovirus / para influenza / rabies / bordetella

He has to go back to the Vet on Oct 24th Friday to have his sutures out, where his dewclaws were in the back. Those were removed when he had his neutering done. The neutering has dis-solvable stitches but the dew claw sutures are not. Dad is going to have to take him to have that done, because Mammy has to work. 🙂

Max's behaviour

Pam n MaxMax is generally sedate, likes to watch things. He is quiet but will sometimes bark when he wants to play and gets excited. He moves from one bed to another… we have two beds downstairs for him in the family room where we spend most of our time. One is behind my recliner and the other is over by the french doors. One is a sheepskin, and one is cloth that has a sponge in it. He is liking both!

We put another bed upstairs in our bedroom –  it’s the one that came with him from the SPCA.

He really is a friendly dog once he knows you are not a “stranger”…

He loves to give kisses and I love that! 🙂

Max and his Dad :)

Me and MaxMax seems to think he was put on the planet to be Maurice’s shadow. Everywhere Maurice goes, his new little buddy seems to be there.  He’s a quiet guy, he pads like a wolf and is happy to lay down where ever we are. I’m going to put a pic or two up of Max and is dad.

They were getting ready to go for a walk on the pics I took. 🙂  I just have to figure out how to get them off the camera and onto the site. 🙂

This afternoon I took Max for a walk to the park and it was raining. It really started to pour on us on the way home so we got quite drenched. When we got home I got a towel and toweled Max off and man alive did he ever want to play! What a hairball!! He started screwing his face into the carpet and pushing himself along it for 3-4 feet, and then he made like he wanted to play with his front down and arse up in the air…  well it didn’t take much from me and off he went, bombing around the living room, dining room and kitchen like a bat out of hell….  he was so funny.. 🙂 Who knew he was part greyhound? HEE HEE …

NEWS FLASH! Dogs like parks!

Max - looking goodThis just in! Dogs like parks! Film at 11! Well, no film, but pictures.

Max is feeling a little down today. I think he is missing Alicia, the young lady from the SPCA who liked him so much. I took him through the park twice so far today, but I’m holding off on giving him free run until we get a little more comfortable with each other.

He seems quite amiable with other dogs, which is a good sign! He lived with another little guy, so he’s a sociable type. He didn’t want to play catch with the tennis ball tho. Wasn’t in the playing mood I guess.

Hockey Max

Max, September 2008Well Max seems to be a hockey fan – what else would you expect from a Canadian dog? He’s a little nervous around Mike yet, but then, Mike makes me nervous! hah

Here is a picture I took of him around 7:30 tonight – he never stays very long on the beds… maybe too soft after the SPCA kennel? He stays 5 minutes, then gets off and lays down on the carpet.

He’s quite a bit smaller than Buck. I’d say he weighs in the 50 pound range. Buck in his prime was 75ish. Max is a couple inches shorter, and not so thick through the chest, but he has as big a head lol.

Max's Wisdom

Your AuthorToday I had a chance to go for  walk around the park. Mum took me after she got home from work.  I have some shaved legs (oooh la la ) and the wet grass was bothering me so we hot footed it over to the sidewalk. I got to try some turkey.. man that was good. I hope I’m not allergic to it!!

I also got up on the bed, that was fun… It was so fluffy I had to rub my face in it. 🙂 Mum said I was getting all gooey. 🙂 heheh.

When we went for the walk, I was going ahead as far as I could…. mum didn’t like that so i got told to heel and slow down, I did pretty darned good and I got told I was ” a good boy”.  I’m taking things kinda slow.. I’m holding back some because I just am not sure of myself yet..  but my tail has been higher today than it was yesterday… and I’ve bestowed alot of kisses on these two, to show them that I’m really hoping this is going to last!

Saturday Morning

Max Sleeping - first day homeMax had his first night in his new home. I put his bed at the foot of our bed. I called him up on our bed, and he came, but would only sit. Tried to get him to lay down, but he didn’t want to.

He left after a couple minutes. He lay in the hall for a bit then went downstairs.

He likes to lay with his back to the stairs, that’s for sure. I think he slept the night in the family room, where there are two beds for him to choose from.

Anyway – here is a video from YouTube of Carolyn and Rookie – if you can watch this and NOT smile, chuckle or say awwwww – then you’re one tough bastard.

The part where Rookie puts his paw on her hip is so sweet…. Someone sent me this video a long time ago, with the Subject Line: Tell People this is BUCK! lol Buck was that goofy, that’s for sure! He loved to run through your legs like Rookie does at the beginning of the video.