Monday, so it must be the Watershed

Max and I went for a nice long walk in the watershed today. I started him on the nice flat section, and he was really eager to go. Yesterday, he got tired quite quickly, after about 50 meters.

Max recovering nicelyBut not today! I hardly touched his harness, because he simply didn’t need my help. He even ran a bit on his own, without me running, or urging him. He just wanted to go! He’d look at every path, as if wondering if we should be turning. I let him go where ever he wanted, and he wanted to go for quite a while.

He didn’t seem tired when we finished our walk, but he’s come home and slept since. lol

Anyway – it’s all good. Nice weather, nice walk, nice day.

Added this comment on Wednesday…
(UMMMM – It’s actually TUESDAY! Nice try…)

Blog Update

Well, I have updated the blog software to the most recent version.

It seems to have gone off without a hitch – which would be most unusual! haha If you notice things not working like they used to, do drop me a line and let me know.

I’ve added a few things to the blog recently – on the left side bar I added a Spanish word of the day for Pam. We’ve been travelling down south a lot lately, and Spanish is spoken widely. It even includes a little audio clip to help with the proper pronunciation.

Also on the left sidebar is a “Born on this day” widget.

On the right sidebar I’ve added the Hubble pic of the day, to go along with the NASA pic of the day. Kinda cool.

And on a really sunny note – the NHL started pre-season games last night.

After the Watershed

Max in the watershed We took Max for a stroll in the Watershed Park. He perked up as we approached the park, which I kind of figured he would. We have a harness for strapping him into the car, and it worked like a charm to help support him. I just kept some tension on the harness and let him walk at his own pace.

As soon as we opened the door, he was up and eager to get out and go! We took him as far as he felt like. When he felt like turning around, I let him. It’s wasn’t a huge walk, but hey, he got out and saw that he could do it. So that’s all positive.

Pam took a movie, and I’ve stuck it on the end of this message. You can see that awkward foot, but we’re going to keep at it. I’m hopeful he’ll keep coming along.

Lazy Sunday

Max recoversPoor Pam.Β  Today is her last day of vacation; back to work tomorrow. We’re hoping for a nice sunny day so we can relax in the backyard and a have a nice bbq.

He's got his eye on you!I am going to take Max to the Watershed park today. He seems to be a bit depressed the last little while. I think he needs some stimulation, so we’re going to take him for a walk. His left front paw is still the primary cause for concern. When he “prances” there seems to be no problems. But without the speed, he stumbles.

And that clearly frustrates him, or maybe demoralizes him. Anyway – the poor guy looks bored to me. So hopefully the walk in the park will excite him. When we drive to the park, as soon as we get on the parkway, he sits up, his ears perk, and he “voices” his eagerness. We’ll see if today’s ride produces the same results.

If any of you watch the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, last night he had an episode about a ridgeback cross with 3 legs, and man, he could run – faster than a lot of 4 legged dogs! I know Max could be just like that – but I think he’s not going to need such drastic measures.

Dick suggested we get him a glove – like Micheal Jackson – to help keep the paw straight! Not a bad suggestion.

Sept 12 Update for Max

Last night Dr Shawn called (our Vet) and he was pleased with the improvement Max has been showing and said that as long as things are holding the course and he’s improving, no need to see him yet, that he will call in a weeks time. Up to now the office has been calling every day or two to see how Max has been doing. I can’t tell you how impressed I have been by that. It’s really made me feel like we’ve finally found a vet that cares and goes that extra mile. If you want your pet to have good care, take them to Scottsdale Veterinary Hospital on Scottroad and 70th avenue, across from the Krispy Kreme.

Anyways no major change in Max since the post 2 days ago. He’s still walking now on all 4’s at times, but sometimes he knuckles the front left paw, and sometimes he walks normally. He’s unsteady at times and leans to one side, but he’s mobile and able to get himself in and out of the back patio area up and down one stair. He could not do a whole flight of stairs, but for the one, he’s able to manage. Last night was the first night he has slept without a pain med to settle him and he did ok. I came upstairs to bed at 2:30 and he was panting away , and after I gave him a good long drink of water he settled.

we have been keeping the bedroom window open for fresh air and the fan on oscillate to move the air around at night as it can get stuffy upstairs. and we have to keep the door closed at night so he doesn’t fall down the stairs.Β  Anyways that’s been more comfortable for Maxie, who is quite sensitive to the heat.

Our company has gone now and the place is quiet, Max was pretty good with having new people in the house, especially good really, considering he’s a barker and growler when “strangers” to him are around.. he did bark a bit at first but then he was pretty good. πŸ™‚ Way to go Maxie!

A huge thanks to Nick for bringing us his gift of the watercolour of Buck. Nick you will never know how much this means to us. We lost Buck not quite a year ago now, and it’s still painful for us, so to have him back with us like this, is a great comfort. A great comfort. Our family is whole again. πŸ™‚ Now when Maurice and I are in the family room with Maxie, we have Buck watching over us πŸ™‚ Our angel Buck. You made that happen Nick, and it is an extremely meaningful gift.

Today is a lovely sunny day and my vacation is coming to an end. I’m back to work in 2 days, but I’m hopeful my brother Peter will be coming out to visit us after this next stretch I have to work…Β  Come Peter, and you can see Maxie’s recovery and fight to get back on the road to health. πŸ™‚


Encouraging words

Max in the Watershed I feel very good about Max’s prospects for the future. It’s seems clear to me that he is going to battle through this. Max even played with us last night. We sat around and rolled a ball at him. He’d grab it and spit it back to us!

He’s willing to get up by himself and walk a few steps to grab a treat from my hand. His back leg is good, but not great. His front leg he can manage if we walk quickly, but when we slow down, he can’t seem to “throw the leg” far enough forward for the paw to hit flat, and “knuckles over.”

Yesterday was pretty hectic! My sister is here and I’m helping her get up to speed writing her own blog. As we were going over a few things, the coffee pot spilled all over the joint! We’ve got a finicky coffee pot, and we’d just put on a new pot, but the filter basket wasn’t seated properly and the whole pot is over the counter! lol Coffee not confined by a cup, tends to run everywhere! As soon as we got that mess done, Max leaves us a nice present in the family room! lol

At least he’s not constipated!

But seriously, Max really seems to be recovering nicely. I’m pretty much over the idea that this was a stroke. Of the three possibilities, (stroke, myeo-something, or the degenerative disc) I’m thinking it’s this myeo-whatever. His mind is clearly not affected. No facial paralysis either. So this “thing” seems to be that a piece of cartilage has broken off his spine, and lodged in a most unfortunate place. But dogs do recover from this. Doc M has spoken.

He sometimes staggers a bit when he gets up, trying to find a tripod balance, like maybe he had a couple too many beer, which is kind of comical, if it weren’t so serious. But he’s making the effort to get up and drink his water and eat normally too.

Have a happy Thursday, people!

Wonderful Painting from Nick

Nick, our nephewI’ve mentioned a few times that Karen, my sister, is here with her husband Dick and their son Nick. They brought with them a rather large parcel, all wrapped up. After we’d had our hugs of welcome, they said, “Listen up, this is from Nick.”

Painting of BuckWhen I opened it, I was really overwhelmed. Totally had me crying. Nick said that he missed Buck and wanted to do something to remember him. Then he gave it to us. What a truly amazing young man he is. Thank you very much Nick! It is so beautiful, so thoughtful.

I’ve given it the most prominent spot in our house. I’ve hung it over the couch in the family room. Where it will always be seen, where Nick’s thoughtfulness and Buck’s presence will always give us a sense of joy and happiness.

Thank you, Nick. Thank you.